‘A delay and a tragedy’, says journalists’ union on project that scrapped professions

December 30, 2022
If approved, the PL by Thiago Mitraud constitutes a scrapping of countless professions in Brazil, class entities say (Reproduction/Headway on Unsplash)
If approved, the PL by Thiago Mitraud constitutes a scrapping of countless professions in Brazil, class entities say (Reproduction/Headway on Unsplash)

Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The president of the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Amazonas (SJPAM), Wilson Reis, harshly criticized the Project of Law (PL) 3081/2022, authored by the federal lawmaker elected by Minas Gerais, Thiago Mitraud, from the Novo party, which revokes and changes laws in order to deregulate several professions, including journalism.

President of the Union of Journalists of Amazonas, Wilson Reis (Thiago Correa/Reproduction)

For Wilson Reis, the congressman does a disservice to Brazilian society. “Lawmaker Thiago Mitraud’s bill represents a huge political delay and a real attack on the professional organisations of several labour categories in Brazil”, he points out. “The idea behind this project is to cause destructuring in the categories, with an action in favour of companies and businessmen”, he criticizes.

Still according to Reis, Mitraud works for businessmen that do not value professionals and do not want to dignify professionals and professions. “We, from the union, repudiate this project from beginning to end”, reaffirms Wilson Reis, who adds: “Instead of scrapping, he should propose changes to dignify the work of each worker in the country”, he evaluates.


Another entity to position was the Regional Council of Economics of Amazonas (Corecon-AM). In social networks, the Council released note of repudiation of the Bill (PL) 3081/2022. “The Corecon-AM comes to public manifest a note of repudiation to the Bill (PL) 3081/2022, authored by the federal deputy Thiago Mitraud, the New party, which repeals and amends laws in order to deregulate various professions“, is in the text.

Coreconam publication on Instagram (Reproduction)

In another section, the note of the economists representative entity lists some of the professionals who may lose with the project Thiago Mitraud. “Among the professions that would have their activities deregulated are: biologist, engineer, economist, nutritionist, veterinarian, psychologist, chemist, architect, radiology technician, speech therapist and several others”, said the note.

The Brazilian Federation of Librarians Associations (Febab) also used the networks to criticize the PL. “We repudiate the Project of Law (PL) 3081/2022, of the deputy Tiago Mitraud (Novo/MG) that, among other actions, seeks to revoke the Law 4.084/1962 that regulates our profession. Precisely in the year that the law completes 60 years, such act disrespects and weakens our profession”, says the entity.

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