After rescue of tweet about Nazi camps, Gkay leaves Twitter and becomes national issue

December 29, 2022
Gkay made the posts a while ago however, internet users retrieved the influencer's prejudiced lines, who deactivated her account (Tiago Alencar/CENARIUM)
Gkay made the posts a while ago however, internet users retrieved the influencer's prejudiced lines, who deactivated her account (Tiago Alencar/CENARIUM)

Mencius Melo – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The influencer from Paraíba, Gessica Kayane Rocha de Vasconcelos, better known as Gkay, disabled his twitter account after rescue offensive posts, prejudiced, racist and content mentioning the Nazi terror. In one of the tweets, Gkay fantasised, “WHERE THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WHEN I NEED THEM MOST?” The post made in November 2011, preceded others with aggressive content with black and fat people.

The controversy with the name of Gkay reached national proportions after the joke of comedian Fábio Porchat on Sunday, 25, in the special “Best of the Year”, during the global program “Domingão do Hulk”. “I look at Jô (Soares) and I wonder what he would do with a Gkay in front of him, right, Tatá (Werneck)? That’s why he preferred to leave us … “.

The speech was not well digested by influencer who tweeted: “You say that a person preferred to leave than interview me, really, have no idea how much it hurts me in a thousand places…”.

The joke did not go down well with the influencer (Reproduction/Twitter)

Internet users were quick to recall “the jokes” Gkay to confront her in what in the language of social networks is known as “mimimi”. For political scientist Paulo Queiroz, it is a question of law. “I don’t know what the influencer’s intention was, but of course this typifies a crime of apology for Nazism. We all know what Nazism was, and there are specific laws that deal with crimes against humanity. It is necessary to learn about these limits”, he pointed out.

An electrified corridor of the notorious Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland. There, the Third Reich murdered over one and a half million people. (Reproduction/Internet)

Queiroz also highlights that there are understandings that span decades, as they were born out of events that have marked humanity. “History shows us terrible events, and Nazism is one of the greatest of them. It was cowardly carnage that needs to be fought in any way. If it is a demonstration of three people, it needs to be stopped. Nazism was so barbaric that it still scandalises us, and it needs to be understood in that way. We cannot make fun of human freedom”, he said.


For lawyer Cristian Naranjo, the issue must be understood in light of the laws that guide the freedoms of opinion and expression. “It’s very subjective, it depends a lot on the point of view of the interpreter. Some people argue that there can be no restriction, others understand that there needs to be moderation. In her case, Gkay, I think there are requirements that characterize a crime, since there is legislation that prohibits the conduct”, evaluated the legal professional.

Jewish children in a Nazi extermination camp. In all, more than a million were murdered by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi forces. (Reproduction/UOL)

In Naranjo’s reading, even if it seems harmless or even “funny”, certain publications, as in the case of Gkay, cannot be minimized. “Practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, colour, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Penalty: imprisonment for one to three years and a fine – or imprisonment for two to five years and a fine, if the crime was committed in publications or media”, he reported. Out of his lawyer’s skin, human being Cristian Naranjo condemned: “Nazism was responsible for the greatest genocide known in human history”, he concluded.

Internment and repercussion

After Fábio Porchat’s speech during Domingão and the “cancellation” suffered on the internet, with the rescues of old posts, on Tuesday night, 27, the influencer was admitted to a hospital in São Paulo. According to its advisory, in a press release, Gkay presented a “indisposition picture”.

On the same night, the comedian Fábio Porchat made a video in which he said he had not been aggressive with the professional colleague. “There is nothing aggressive, there is nothing, absolutely nothing. What you have is the accumulation of a lot of things, and nobody knew that Gkay was in this well to explode”, Porchat reinforced.

Fábio Porchat made a video in which he claimed not to have been aggressive with his colleague (Reproduction/Instagram)

Other cases

It is not the first time that social networks reverberate about content laden with prejudice or even with totalitarian bias. In early 2022, the influencer Bruno Aiub, known as Monark, let out a joke in an interview on Flow podcast: “The radical left has much more space than the radical right, in my opinion. They both had to have space. I’m crazier than all of you. I think the Nazi should have the Nazi party recognised by law”, he barbarized.

Campaigns for acceptance and against standards of beauty have multiplied to counter positions against fat people, for example (Reproduction/Culturamix)

The statement caused outrage in Brazil’s Jewish communities and, at the time, the Israeli Confederation of Brazil (Conib) released a note: “Conib vehemently condemns the defence of the existence of a Nazi party in Brazil and the ‘right to be anti-Jewish’ made by Flow Podcast host Monark. Nazism preaches racial supremacy and the extermination of groups it considers ‘inferior.'”

Another episode was with actress Regina Duarte. After Lula’s victory, through her profile, on Instagram, the actress suggested posting stickers to “show that you are proud of who you elected”. After the post, Regina suffered harsh criticism from internet users who recalled that this type of identification is similar to what happened to Jews during Nazism in Germany.

The identification by graffiti of Jewish establishments and the “yellow star”, attached to clothes, served to denounce who were “the inferiors” in German society.

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