Amazon river drought is a ‘worrying scenario’, says expert

Drought recorded on the Rio Negro, near Manaus (Reproduction)
Isabella Rabelo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – After the greatest drought in the last 100 years was recorded in 2023, experts point out that the current levels of the Amazon, Acre, Negro and Solimões rivers could lead the region to a new record low this year. According to environmentalist Carlos Durigan, the intensification of the effects of global warming in recent decades has meant that the population has experienced extreme periods that have caused major transformations in the rainfall cycles and, consequently, in the hydrological regimes of the rivers in the Amazon.

“In just this short period at the start of the 2020s, we’ve already had the biggest flood in 2021 and the biggest drought in 2023. The 2023 drought was also aggravated by a period under the El Niño effect, a phenomenon related to more intense droughts in the region”, explained the environmentalist.

Historic drought in the Amazon in 2023 (Reproduction)

He also stressed the importance of public management keeping up to date with monitoring data from institutions responsible for climate and the environment. “Considering the scenario of global warming, which is only getting worse, the scenario is still one of concern, because given this situation, it is still possible that we will enter an Amazonian summer period of low rainfall, which would lead to a situation similar to last year’s, although it is still difficult to estimate the intensity of the drought,” he said.

Rio Negro in June 2024 (Disclosure)

Durigan defined the current scenario in the Amazon as “challenging and uncertain”, and drew attention to the impact that these events of rising temperatures and decreasing rainfall in the Amazon are having on millions of species, including humans.

“Year after year, we are losing our natural heritage to fires and degradation caused by this warming. Many studies have already shown that health issues are worsening, either because the environment is more conducive to the proliferation of various diseases, or because of contamination caused by inhaling smoke from fires and drinking contaminated water,” said the environmentalist.

River levels

Stable for seven days, the Amazon River recorded its first downward movement of the year last Sunday, the 15th, which worried environmentalists. On the same day, the level of the Acre River in the capital Rio Branco (AC), reached just 1 meter and 95 centimeters, according to monitoring by the Geological Service of Brazil.

The Negro and Solimões rivers also showed signs of falling. According to measurement records from the port of Manaus, the Negro River stabilized on Monday 17th at three meters above the level considered normal. The Solimões River has lost almost two and a half meters of water since the beginning of June.

Read more: Drought is the worst in the last ten years in Amazonas

Edited by Jadson Lima
Translated by Bruno Sena

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