Amazonas or Pará? Internet users dispute who deserves to host the COP in 2025

November 19, 2022
The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) affirmed that the Amazonas and Pará are apt to receive the event. (Art: Thiago Alencar / CENARIUM MAGAZINE)
The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) affirmed that the Amazonas and Pará are apt to receive the event. (Art: Thiago Alencar / CENARIUM MAGAZINE)

Marcela Leiros – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – After President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) said that, in the Amazon, the states of Pará and Amazonas are listed to receive the COP30, social networks such as Twitter became the “ring” of discussion among Internet users about who is more “deserving”. Some of them recalled that Pará has already lost the opportunity to host 2014 World Cup matches, and now it is the State’s turn to host an event the size of the Climate Conference.

Lula made this statement on Wednesday, 17, in Egypt, while speaking at the event “Letter from the Amazon – a common agenda for the climate transition”. The president-elect said that he will ask the United Nations (UN) for the Amazon to host the Climate Conference (COP) in 2025.

Internet user Ismael Benigno was one of those who defended that Pará host the COP30 in three years time. “Pará deserves much more a COP2025 than Amazonas. In fact, as in the 2014 World Cup it also deserved more. That was all there was to it”, he said. Then he was criticized by another internet user named Francisco Gama.

“Envy of paraense is f***. Just as the Amazon won to hold the World Cup, will win and will hold the COP”, he rebutted.

Read also: At COP27, indigenous women protest against Bolsonaro and criticize ‘relatives’ aligned with government


The International Economic Relations professional Layla Grigorio Seabra highlighted that holding the event in Amazonas will bring global leaders to the State to debate proposals in the place where many environmental problems happen. “And I think it is very important that COP 30 takes place in Amazonas. It is urgent to confront violence against native and traditional peoples, journalists and activists in the region”, she defended.

The teacher, activist, communicator and writer Jonas Di Andrade agreed with the realization of the event in Amazonas, and thanked the president-elect for the speech in defence of the Amazon region. “I am sure that Brazil will now have someone who will make this country be seen again. I hope we manage to have the next COP here, more specifically in Amazonas”, he published.


Finally, the internauta @lepsenna said that the Amazonas municipalities can hold a COP. “Amazonas the biggest in everything, can’t get enough”, she published.



Among other things, the Climate Summit serves for countries to discuss climate change and propose measures to reduce greenhouse gases. Brazil was going to host COP25 in 2019, but at the request of President Jair Bolsonaro, the conference changed countries and was transferred to Spain.

Lula arrived at COP27 on Wednesday morning. At the event, in addition to receiving a letter with proposals for the Amazon from the region’s governors present, he declared his interest in hosting the event in 2025.

Watch the video:

“We will talk to the UN Secretary-General [António Guterres] and we will ask that the 2025 COP be held in Brazil and, in Brazil, be held in the Amazon. And, in the Amazon, there are two States able to host any international conference, which are the State of Amazonas and the State of Pará”, he said.

Lula also added that it is “important” that people get to know the region. “I think it’s very important that [the COP in 2025] is in the Amazon and I think it’s very important that people who defend the Amazon and who defend the climate get to know what that region is”, he also said.

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