Amazonian actress is invited to represent the Brazilian audiovisual sector at the International Week of the Arts in Paris

October 14, 2022
The amazonian is the only Brazilian to participate in the exhibition entitled
The amazonian is the only Brazilian to participate in the exhibition entitled "The Gardens of the Meta Kingdom"

Priscilla Peixoto – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The actress and audiovisual producer from Amazonas, Iasmim Benayon, was invited to participate in the International Week of Arts, in Paris, France. The Amazonian is the only Brazilian to participate in the exhibition entitled “The Gardens of the Meta Kingdom”, which is part of the Jada Arts movement, a franchise of art fairs, with annual events that have gained recognition as one of the 10 best art fairs in Miami. The event will be held from October 19 to 23.

Benayon was chosen because of the production of the series “Surta Deise“, created at the beginning of the pandemic, in the year 2020 and was released in 2021, in which tells about a character named Deise, played by Iasmim herself who addresses the theme of how she will deal with the post-pandemic problems.

“I was invited directly by the creator of Jada Movimento, Argo Jonatas. I am feeling fulfilled! I left the Amazon in search of new opportunities and knowledge in my area of audiovisual and theater. To be able to show my creation and represent the Amazon and Brazilian theater and audiovisual in the Arts Week, in Paris. I can’t believe it. Even next to the Louvre Museum is too much for my resume”, celebrates the actress in tones of (laughs).

The actress and audiovisual producer from Amazonas was invited to participate in the International Week of the Arts, in Paris, France
(Reproduction/Personal Archives)

Theme addressed

For this year, more than 13 arts professionals were invited to the exhibition with the theme addressing the global chaos experienced in the last three years in health, climate, government, and economy. “The theme ‘marries’ with the series Deise who lives in a parallel world in which I call the metaverse. The character has many imbalances, outbursts, anxiety, imaginations, and creates in her own world. This series represents very much the syndromes that Covid-19 left for many people. In the series, we want to alert people who do not know they have these traumas, such as anxiety, agony, affliction, fear, panic and the stresses of everyday life”, explains the Amazonian, who adds:

“I write the scripts myself, I direct the scenes, I take care of the costumes, the set, the location, the makeup, I do the video editing so that the series is ready the way I imagine. The cool thing is that the character uses Amazonian slang to express herself in front of the problems she is facing. The series has a dash of comedy”, she points out.

Iasmin on a recording set (Reproduction/Personal File)

Multiple talents

At 26, Iasmin is a professional actress graduated from the Amazonas State University (UEA). She grew up in the Flores neighborhood, in the South Central zone of Manaus, and was the creator of the Iaska Arte Theater School, where she taught acting workshops and courses for two years.

In search of more opportunities, the artist went to São Paulo to work in the audiovisual and advertising sectors, a city where she has already worked with artists such as Chitãozinho and Xororó, Sabrina Sato, Danilo Gentili, Iza, and Rodrigo Faro.

The professional celebrates her achievements, but regrets the lack of recognition in her own state. “Life for those who dedicate themselves to art is very hard, every conquered opportunity should be celebrated, even more for those who, like me, come from a city that has so much to offer, but doesn’t support local artists. A shame, there are many good professionals in our Amazonas”, says Iasmim.

About Jada

The Jada Movement was founded in the United States by American artist and entrepreneur Dana Blickensderfer and Brazilian-American artist and academic Arto Jônatas. The exhibition is curated by Jonathan Schurdevin and according to Jônatas, the movement acts as an umbrella organization that sponsors and creates these platforms of unlimited creativity around the world.

“We promote a cross-pollination of ideas and possibilities between various spheres of society, always with the artist as the central figure in all the action. As a metamodernist art movement, Jada has focused on creating meaningful conversations in all its endeavors, leading to an expansion of its presence in important academic circles (…) and has included a large representation of artists, academics and trendsetters in the conference panels of its art fairs and exhibitions since 2019, which has earned it praise even among critics of the art fair model”, the founder pointed out.

“Surta Deise” series (Reproduction/Youtube)

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