Archiving of child sexual exploitation content increases by 150% in Amazonas

February 21, 2025
Data from the Amazonas Public Security Secretariat (SSP-AM) reveal a 153% increase in this crime in 2024 (Composition by Lucas Oliveira/CENARIUM)
Data from the Amazonas Public Security Secretariat (SSP-AM) reveal a 153% increase in this crime in 2024 (Composition by Lucas Oliveira/CENARIUM)

By Luis Henrique Oliveira – Special for Cenarium

MANAUS (AM) – The state of Amazonas has recorded an alarming increase in the number of cases related to the storage of child sexual abuse content. Data released by the Amazonas Public Security Secretariat (SSP-AM) reveal a 153% increase in this crime in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. This reality extends across Manaus and the interior of the state, exposing children and adolescents to abusive and exploitative content.

The crime in question, classified under the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), consists of “acquiring, possessing, or storing, by any means, photographs, videos, or other forms of records containing explicit sexual or pornographic scenes involving a child or adolescent.” The increase from 7 to 18 cases during this period raises alarms about the need for more effective actions to combat this criminal practice, according to public security experts.

On February 4, the Civil Police arrested a 24-year-old dentistry student for storing and sharing more than 40 pieces of child sexual abuse content. The arrest took place in the Cachoeirinha neighborhood, in the southern zone of Manaus. The case was presented in a press conference at the General Police Headquarters (DG), located in the Dom Pedro neighborhood, in the central-western zone. The penalty for committing this crime is imprisonment from one to four years and a fine, as provided by the ECA.

Despite the punishment, the number of cases of violence against children and adolescents continues to grow, reflecting in cases such as child abandonment, which, in the same analyzed period, increased by 34%, rising from 404 cases to 543 in 2024.

Cases of sexual violence have increased, according to SSP-AM data (Reproduction/SSP-AM)

Sociologist Luiz Marques states that crimes against children and adolescents are driven by a pathological bias, but that society must see them as a condemnable practice, even if the suspect’s family attempts to mitigate the severity of the behavior.

“Since there is no consensus on the causes of crimes against children and adolescents, the ideal is for the population to be aware that this is a practice condemned by society and that its punishment goes beyond the offender, impacting social morality. The fear of punishment and the shame it brings to the family can act as a deterrent capable of mitigating criminal behavior,” he opined.

Sociologist Luiz Marques states that crimes may have a pathological nature (Reproduction)
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Recently, Amazonas joined the Amber Alerts system, a technology designed to help locate children and adolescents in situations of risk. The Specialized Police Station for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Depca) of the Amazonas Civil Police (PC-AM) will be the focal point of this initiative in the state. Currently, the system already operates in 23 Brazilian states.

The mechanism results from a technical cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) and Meta, the company responsible for Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. The main objective is to establish a national rapid alert system for cases of missing or kidnapped minors under 18 who are at imminent risk of death or serious bodily injury.

Delegate Juliana Tuma states that technology is necessary to combat crimes of sexual exploitation against children (Photo reproduction)

Delegate Juliana Tuma, head of Depca, stated that the police station will serve as the system’s focal point, coordinating the necessary actions for a swift and effective response. According to the delegate, this is a crucial step in strengthening child and adolescent protection in Amazonas.

“We count on everyone’s support to make a difference,” said the delegate.

Edited by Izaías Godinho
Reviewed by Gustavo Gilona

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