Association makes ‘chip in’ for the reform of a house of assistance to people with Down Syndrome

January 19, 2022
For more information contact: 92 3238-6094 / 98123-6060 (Promotion)
For more information contact: 92 3238-6094 / 98123-6060 (Promotion)

Bruno Pacheco – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Association of Parents and Friends of Down in Amazonas (Apadam), a nonprofit organization that brings together people with Down syndrome, is promoting an ‘online cow’ to get reform the institution’s property. The building of Apadam is located on the street Presidente Prudente Morais, in the neighborhood Dom Pedro, west-central zone of Manaus.

According to Apadam, the place needs to undergo a structural reform so that the headquarters is adapted to the standards that meet the needs of beneficiaries. Altogether, the association serves 160 families, being the only one in the state with specific targeting for people with Down Syndrome.

Building suffers from deterioration. (Promotion)

“The referred property has been unoccupied for 12 years and urgently needs a reform, because all the electrical, sanitary and structural part is compromised and deteriorated. It is also possible to see the need for painting and adaptation of the space for PCDs, among others”, declared the association.

With the headquarters working, according to the entity, all the necessary services for the development of the motor activity of the people with the syndrome will be ready, such as multifunctional rooms, toy room, social, psychological, ambulatory, and speech therapist services.


The president of Apadam, Omar Maia dos Santos, points out that the institution is open to any kind of donation that can benefit the structure of the new headquarters. To completely renovate the building, the association seeks to raise a total of R$ 600 thousand.

Those interested in contributing can access the site For more information, just contact the association, through the numbers (92) 3238-6094/ 98123-6060, or through Instagram apadammanaus.

The structure is abandoned, according to the association. (Reproduction)

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