Attacks on BR-319: federal highway bridge is sawed off and set on fire

December 12, 2022
BR-319 bridge was set on fire and sawed off this Monday morning (Reproduction)
BR-319 bridge was set on fire and sawed off this Monday morning (Reproduction)

Ívina Garcia – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Fortaleza Bridge, located at kilometre 600 of BR-319, dawned this Monday, 12, with marks of cuts in the wood support and with fire outbreak. This is the second bridge that was the target of anonymous attacks in a month.

In late November, the bridge of the Igarapé Cotia, located a few meters from the bridge Fortaleza, at kilometre 515.60 of BR-319 was sawed and had part of the structure overturned by the action.

The president of the Association of Friends and Defenders of BR-319, André Marsílio, states that this is also the second attack on the Fortaleza Bridge. “There was an attack on Cutia Bridge, then on Fortaleza Bridge and now they’ve done it again there”.

Read more: BR-319 wooden bridge is sawed and makes crossing dangerous; criminal action is investigated

Photos released by the Association of Friends and Defenders of BR-319 show criminal action on the Fortaleza Bridge

As members of the group Association of Friends and Defenders of BR-319, the suspicion is that the author of the actions lives near the bridge. “There is a barrier there near the PRF (Federal Highway Police), how does the guy get through with a chainsaw?”, asks one of the members.

“It seems that they want to end people’s lives, they leave the bridges ‘engaged’, they don’t bring them down, they want them to pass with weight to bring them down, it seems”, says another.

The reportage sought the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (Dnit), which until the time of publication of this article did not answer the questions.

(*) Updates coming soon.

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