Brazil to pay R$ 60k to people with disabilities caused by Zika

January 20, 2025
Health professional measures the head circumference of a child (Tony Winston/Agência Brasília)
Health professional measures the head circumference of a child (Tony Winston/Agência Brasília)

By Ana Cláudia Leocádio – From Cenarium

BRASÍLIA (DF) – The federal government will provide financial support of R$ 60,000 to people with disabilities resulting from congenital syndrome associated with Zika virus infection. The benefit, paid in a single installment, is outlined in Provisional Measure 1,287, published January 9, in the Official Gazette, and is restricted to this fiscal year.

According to the government, individuals born “between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2024, with disabilities resulting from congenital syndrome caused by their mother’s Zika virus infection during pregnancy” will be eligible for the financial support.

To claim the benefit, applications must be submitted to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and must comply with criteria established in a joint act by the Ministry of Health (MS), the Ministry of Social Security (MPS), and the INSS. Applicants must demonstrate a proven link between the congenital syndrome and the mother’s Zika virus infection during pregnancy, as well as the disability itself.

Pregnant Women (Reproduction/Getty Images)

The Provisional Measure also stipulates that this payment will not be considered for calculating minimum income requirements for eligibility in federal social programs such as the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) and Bolsa Família. Eligible individuals will retain their enrollment in the Unified Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

“Except for cases of choice, the financial support addressed by this Provisional Measure cannot be combined with any compensation of the same nature granted by court decisions“, states Article 5 of the MP.

According to the measure, expenses related to the financial support under this Provisional Measure will be covered by the budget program Special Indemnities and Pensions under Federal Responsibility and are subject to budgetary and financial availability.

The federal government emphasized that the support provided in the Provisional Measure will not affect individuals covered by Law 13,985/2020, which established a special pension for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome born between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2019, who are beneficiaries of the BPC. These individuals will receive the financial support as a supplement to the already guaranteed monthly and lifetime pension, equivalent to one minimum wage.

“The measure aims to mitigate the impacts of the syndrome, providing financial resources to individuals with disabilities caused by their mother’s Zika virus infection, given the need for intensive daily care for these individuals”, emphasized the federal government in a statement.

According to data available on the Ministry of Health’s portal, from 2023 to 2024, there were 6,081 registered cases of Zika in the country, with 61% affecting females and 39% males. The highest incidence of cases occurred in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Amapá, Acre, Espírito Santo and Mato Grosso.

The ministry warns that currently, there are no vaccines or specific therapies available for Zika. Transmission occurs via the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is also responsible for transmitting dengue and chikungunya viruses.

Vector control is the primary method for preventing and controlling mosquito-borne diseases. Efforts include eliminating mosquito breeding grounds whenever possible or keeping reservoirs and any areas that may collect water fully covered with screens, caps, or lids to prevent access by Aedes aegypti.

The CENARIUM has requested information from the Ministry of Health about the number of individuals eligible for this financial support and is awaiting a response.

Zika Virus Crisis in 2015

Brazil faced a severe Zika virus outbreak in 2015. On November 11 of that year, the Ministry of Health declared the Zika virus epidemic a “Public Health Emergency of National Importance.” The decision was made following reports from doctors in the Northeast region about the high number of babies born with microcephaly across several states.

According to the Ministry of Health, to enhance assistance to affected children during the emergency period, Brazil established surveillance for Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome (CZS) and other infectious etiologies like syphilis, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex (STORCH).

The Aedes aegypti mosquito transmits dengue, Zika, and chikungunya (Reproduction/World Mosquito Prog)

“This surveillance aims to identify complications related to Zika virus infection and other etiologies during prenatal care, delivery, postpartum, and early childhood, as well as to provide updated information to guide policies for promoting proper care for children with growth and developmental impairments, regardless of etiology,” the ministry said.

The ministry further explained that pregnant women infected by Zika, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, can transmit the virus to their fetus throughout the pregnancy, leading to various congenital anomalies, primarily microcephaly, central nervous system damage, and other neurological complications. “Children with CZS often face a wide range of lifelong intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities”, it noted.

Signs and Symptoms of Zika

According to the Ministry of Health, Zika virus infection can be asymptomatic or symptomatic. In symptomatic cases, clinical manifestations can range from mild, self-limiting symptoms to severe neurological complications and congenital malformations. Recent studies indicate that over 50% of Zika-infected patients experience symptoms. The disease incubation period ranges from two to seven days.

Common Symptoms Include:
  • Low or absent fever (≤38.5 ºC)
  • Early-onset rash (usually pruritic and maculopapular, spreading from the head down)
  • Non-purulent conjunctivitis
  • Headache, joint pain, fatigue, and muscle pain
  • Periarticular swelling and swollen lymph nodes

Besides mild febrile rash, itching is a significant symptom during the acute phase, potentially disrupting daily activities and sleep.

Two severe neurological complications linked to Zika virus infection have been identified:
  • Microcephaly is the most severe manifestation of a spectrum of congenital defects. Pregnant women infected by Zika can transmit the virus to the fetus, which may result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or congenital malformations, such as microcephaly.
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is a rare condition where a person’s immune system attacks peripheral nerves.
Translated from Portuguese by Gustô Alves

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