‘Cangaço Novo’: a child actress who lives in an AM municipality stars Amazon Prime’s new series

November 22, 2021
Actress Valentina Marques (Reproduction/Internet)
Actress Valentina Marques (Reproduction/Internet)

Victória Sales – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The streaming video platform Amazonas Prime announced the beginning of recordings of the new Brazilian series, known as “Cangaço Novo”, which features 10-year-old child actress Valentia Marques. The artist lives in Presidente Figueiredo (119 kilometers from Manaus) and has been confirmed in the cast. The story is directed by Fabinho Mendonça and Aly Muritiba.

The production has, approximately, eight episodes in the first season and will have a global reach, broadcasted in more than 240 countries and territories. The series is being recorded in the city of Cabaceiras, located in the Cariri region of Paraibano, and has a strong cast.

Allan Souza, from the movie “A Menina que Matou os Pais”, Alice Carvalho, from the movie “Segunda Chamada”, Thainá Duarte, from the movie “Aruanas”, Marcélia Cartaxo, from the movie “Pacarrete”, Titina Medeiros, from the humorous TV show “Os Roni”, will be part of the cast of the new series. The actress will bring to life the character played by Alice Carvalho during her childhood.


According to the synopsis of the series, “New Cangaço” takes place in the city of Cratará, the plot follows the heir of the “cangaço”, who during the series will face bandits, murderers and the police. In the production, the banker Ubaldo, played by actor Allan Souza Lima, discovers he has an inheritance and two sisters who live in the backlands of Ceará. The sisters are known as Dilvânia, who is the leader of the bandits who idolize their famous father, and Dinorah, who is the only woman in the gang of bank robbers.

After arriving in the backlands, Ubaldo draws attention for his strong resemblance to his father and begins to fulfill his destiny as a bandit and becomes the leader of the gang. With this, the actor will face criminals, murderers, and police, which will try to keep their moral values under control. The series still has no premiere date. Each episode will be 55 minutes long.


Valentina Marques is an actress, model, presenter, and child reporter. She is a native of Rio Tinto, in Paraíba, and was born on May 11, 2011. The artist started in theater in 2017, at the age of six, after her parents moved to Amazonas. Among the main attractions, Valentina performed in one of the most important theaters in the world, the Amazonas Theater, with this the artist accumulates 13 works in her career. In 2020 she made her debut in musicals as Amanda Trip, in the musical “The Adventures of Matilda”.

Valentina Marques during a presentation. (Reproduction/ Internet)

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