Christmas Solidarity: Crioulas do Quilombo Association collects clothes and toys for children in the community

December 17, 2021
The initiative is part of the community's programming calendar (Reproduction/Promotion)
The initiative is part of the community's programming calendar (Reproduction/Promotion)

Priscilla Peixoto – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS -The Association of Black Creole Women of the Quilombo Manaus is in campaign to collect clothes in good condition, shoes and toys for the children who live in the Quilombo Urban Barranco de São Benedito, located in the neighborhood of Praça 14 de Janeiro, South Zone of Manaus. The collected items will be distributed to the children on December 23rd, starting at 4:30pm, at the neighborhood’s scouts headquarters. Children from the surrounding community will also be contemplated.

The moment of fraternization with the little ones, according to the Association member Rafaela Fonseca, is part of the finalization of the Crioulas events calendar. “Since the certification as an Urban Quilombo by the Palmares Cultural Foundation, in 2014, and with the emergence of the Association of the Crioulas of the Quilombo, we have a vast schedule. We started with the festivities of Saint Benedict and we end in December with the Quilombo Children’s Christmas. This year, like all the others, we will have a special moment for them”, says Rafaela.


According to her, the initiative to collect clothes and shoes, in addition to toys, came after realizing that, besides the children who live in Quilombo, there are several Venezuelans living in the neighborhood Square 14 and need help.

“Our president Keilah Maria da Silva Fonseca, in a conversation with the director of the Association, decided to make a Christmas collection of these items in good condition to donate to those in need, because there are people in need and many times they don’t have clothes to wear”, she says.

The initiative counts on the participation of friends and residents of Quilombo. For those who want to help with the children’s leisure program or donate any item, just contact (092) 99210-9212 or 92 9261-7416. Talk to Keilah or Rafaela.

“You can contact us, the numbers are also WhatsApp. For those who wish to share the joy of the children on the 23rd, I must remind you that it is mandatory to wear a mask. This whole program is made with the help of people who have the sensibility to help each other, we need to work on the collective and the children are our priorities”, she concludes.

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