Cimi analyses the indigenous situation in light of the perspectives of the new Lula Government

January 03, 2023
Entity launched a manifesto for the resumption of the indigenous agenda by the federal government. The climate is one of hope, but also of alert. Reproduction
Entity launched a manifesto for the resumption of the indigenous agenda by the federal government. The climate is one of hope, but also of alert. Reproduction

Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Indigenous Missionary Council (Cimi) made a long balance of the indigenous situation in 2022 and the prospects for the future in the face of the new Lula government. Cimi’s text, published in its networks, harshly criticizes the management of now former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and launches a set of demands to be solved by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). The document is signed by Roberto Antonio Liebgott, Francisco Eduardo Holanda and Ivan Cesar Cima of the Cimi leadership.

Reconstructing the agendas and unlocking the indigenous agendas based on the demands of the peoples’ leaders, this should be the government’s first step (Reproduction/EstadodeMinas)

Critics of the past government, in their speeches, the leaders of the entity accused the distortion of the functions of the body, which should be at the service of indigenous policies. “The current government will have to resume and strengthen FUNAI, which in recent years was under the command, control and tutelage of agents who performed the services of destruction and deconstruction of indigenous rights within the State”, they criticized.

Also in the text, the leaders pointed out what should be the first steps of the new government. “Recover and reestablish an indigenous policy based on the provisions of the 1988 Federal Constitution – expressed in Articles 231 and 232 – which determines the valuation of ethnic differences, cultures, beliefs, customs, languages and traditions; the demarcation of all lands as a fundamental, original, inalienable, unavailable and imprescriptible right”, the document pointed out.

New Ministry

In the opinion of Roberto Antonio, Francisco Eduardo and Ivan Cesar, Lula will have to extract from the demands presented by the indigenous people, his future and urgent actions. “The Lula Government has enormous challenges, but it will need, from the very first days, to point out the path it wishes to follow in relation to the indigenous peoples. During the discussion process, within the transitional government, the peoples presented a series of proposals that should subsidise the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, of which Sonia Guajajara is the minister”, they evaluated.

The demarcation of Indigenous Lands (TI) is among the most urgent agendas of the indigenous peoples’ movements in Brazil (Daniel Ferreira/Metrópoles)

For the Cimi leadership, the climate is positive and will help to put the indigenous agenda back on the national government’s project. “There will undoubtedly be a lot of willingness for this period of regained hope. There is a new ardour and dreams that are proving possible. There will also be willingness of the members of the new government – in relation to the indigenous cause – and many possible paths will be stamped before the governance”, they evaluated.

But despite the positivity, the Cimi leaders make a warning. “The first task, from the beginning, will be that of choice, that is, which of the paths one intends to follow. This choice is not easy, simple or without suffering. However, it will have to be made and in it we will visualise the future of the new government and the indigenous cause within it. May the charms of light inspire and give courage before the path, which is simple, visible and evident. On the other hand, the option for it will be difficult and complex”, said the leaders.

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