Couple who assaulted nanny and lawyer make ‘pro-Bolsonaro’ posts; wife fired shot

August 21, 2023
PC-AM investigator Raimundo Nonato Machado and his wife, Jussana Machado (Reproduction/Social Networks)
PC-AM investigator Raimundo Nonato Machado and his wife, Jussana Machado (Reproduction/Social Networks)

Adrisa De Góes – Cenarium Amazon Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – Amazonas Civil Police (PC-AM) investigator Raimundo Nonato Machado and his wife, Jussana Machado, who were arrested for assaulting a nanny and a lawyer in a condominium in Manaus, had a habit of making posts in favor of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on social networks. A survey carried out by CENARIUM AMAZON MAGAZINE on Sunday, 20, showed that the couple also supported discourses from the right-wing political spectrum which, in theory, are conservative and uphold moral order and good morals.

The posts to which the report had access, on the Facebook platform, date from 2018, when Bolsonaro was elected president of the Republic, to 2022, when he failed to win re-election. In one of them, Jussana shares a compilation of videos of the candidate for President of the Republic in the 2022 elections, Ciro Gomes (PDT), and expresses support for Bolsonaro’s re-election. “#BolsonaroReelected2022”, she wrote.

Jussana’s sympathy for the former president’s speech can also be seen in another post that highlights Bolsonaro’s defense of work for teenagers from the age of 14. “You’re right”, she shared, also demonstrating her opposition to progressive agendas, when she says she supports the speech of federal lawmaker and staunch ally of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) against the use of common bathrooms between genders.

Accused of assaulting a nanny and shooting a lawyer, Jussana Machado shares pro-Bolsonaro posts on social media (Reproduction/Social Media)

In the video she shared, the parliamentarian says that trans or transvestite people should use toilets geared to the biological sex they were born to and not the one they identify with. Last year, fake news circulated in the country saying that the initiative would be implemented with the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) at the polls.

Also in 2018, the investigator’s wife used a frame in her Facebook profile picture with the visual identity of the then presidential candidate and the number 17, Bolsonaro’s old number in the polls, when he was still from the Social Liberal Party (PSL).

In 2018, Jussana published a photo on Facebook with a frame of then-presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro (Reproduction/Social Networks)

Outspoken Bolsonarism

PC-AM investigator Raimundo Nonato Machado was also a follower of Jair Bolsonaro’s ideals since the Bolsonaro wave gained strength in the country. In October 2018, after the former president’s victory in the general elections, he used social media to ironize the suspicions that companies were financing the sending of messages against the candidacy of Fernando Haddad (PT), who was running for president in the same election.

In the publication, Raimundo Nonato appears inside a cardboard box with the number two glued to the front. In the photo, he is smiling while holding a dog. The caption reads: “#caixa2dobolsonaro #caixa2dasfakenews #caixa2davitória Avante, Brasil”, wrote the police investigator. After the attempted murder carried out by the PC-AM officer against the lawyer, the post began to receive comments in reference to the case: “These good citizens! Always them!”, wrote an internet user.

On social media, PC-AM investigator Raimundo Nonato defends Jair Bolsonaro (Reproduction/Social Media)

Contradiction of ‘good citizens’

In recent years, the term “good citizens” has become a popular discourse, used by people from the right-wing political spectrum who, in theory, are conservative and value order, morality and good manners, as well as being opposed to progressive agendas such as the LGBTQIAPN+ movement.

A study available on the University of São Paulo (USP) Journal Portal, entitled “Who is the ‘good citizen’?”, provides a psychological analysis of the person who uses the term that has become a favorite of the country’s right-wing political supporters. It was written by psychologist José Fernando Andrade Costa, who works on the themes of community, citizenship and social struggles, among others, and argues that the good citizen represents a “risk to democracy”.

In the academic paper, the author states: “The figure of the so-called ‘good citizen’ constitutes a type of ideological discursive strategy and expresses a social pathology of Brazilian citizenship (…) We identified contradictions and problems arising from the rhetorical use of the figure of the ‘good citizen’ related to: the call for punitive measures and firearms for civilians; ideological representations of gender, race and class; the social function of the media; and political neoconservatism.”

Understand the case

Raimundo Nonato Machado was arrested on Sunday morning, 20, when he presented himself to the police. On Saturday, 19, the judge on duty at the Amazonas Court of Justice (Tjam), Alcides Carvalho Vieira Filho, ordered the police officer’s pre-trial detention for the attempted murder of lawyer Ygor Colares and nanny Cláudia Gonzaga.

The judge on duty claimed that the evidence presented by the Amazonas State Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP-AM), which asked for the investigator’s pre-trial detention, showed strong evidence of Raimundo Nonato’s involvement in the crime.

The assault took place on Friday night, 18, in the parking lot of the Life Ponta Negra condominium, in the Ponta Negra neighborhood, in the West Zone of Manaus. Security cameras recorded the moment when the investigator’s wife, jiu-jitsu fighter Jussana Machado, assaulted nanny Cláudia Gonzaga and shot lawyer Ygor Colares, who was grazed in the leg.

Jussana used the investigator’s gun to shoot the lawyer. In the footage, you can see that Raimundo Nonato handed the gun to his wife before attacking the lawyer. She is also under arrest, charged with illegal possession of a restricted firearm, discharging a firearm, bodily injury and threatening.

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