Covid-19: Brazil completes 20th record day on average of deaths

March 16, 2021
(Photo: Sandro Pereira/ O Globo)
(Photo: Sandro Pereira/ O Globo)

With information from Agência Brasil

MANAUS – This Monday, 15, Brazil recorded the 20th day followed by a record number of deaths by Covid-19, according to the seven-day moving average released by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Fiocruz’s Monitor Covid-19 bulletin shows that the average death rate reached 1,841.

The average is 69.5% above the number of a month before (1,086 deaths) and is 50.3% higher than that registered 14 days before (1,225). In comparison with the peak of 2020, which occurred on July 25, when it reached the mark of 1,096 deaths, the growth reached 67.9%.

Fiocruz’s seven-day moving average is calculated by adding the records for the day and the previous six days and dividing the total by seven.

Therefore, the numbers differ from those presented by the Ministry of Health, which only presents deaths registered on a specific day.

The total number of cases reached 66,849 yesterday, according to the seven-day moving average. The increases are 19.4% concerning 14 days before (55,977 cases) and 46.9% in comparison with 30 days before (45,518). However, the cases are 6.5% below the record registered on March 13 (71,531).

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