Even with fall in GDP, Pará rises to 10th position among states that contributed the most

November 23, 2022
Even with fall in GDP, Pará rises to 10th position in GDP contribution (Reproduction)
Even with fall in GDP, Pará rises to 10th position in GDP contribution (Reproduction)

Ívina Garcia – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Brazil reached R$ 7.6 trillion, receding 3.3% in volume in the country. In the Legal Amazon, the State of Pará occupies the 10th position with the highest percentage of participation in the national GDP.

The data were released this November by the Regional Accounts 2020, prepared by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in partnership with state statistics agencies, state government departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (Suframa).

According to IBGE, of the 27 federative units, 24 showed a decline in GDP in 2020, the first year of the pandemic. The only states that showed positive variation were Mato Grosso do Sul (0.2%) and Roraima (0.1%), while Mato Grosso showed stability.

In the panorama, the North and Centre-West Region present constant growth since the beginning of the series, in 2002. The North represents 6.3% of participation in the GDP, while the Centre-West has a percentage of 10.4%.

The manager of Regional Accounts of IBGE, Alessandra Poça, explains that Pará advanced from 11th to 10th position due to the relative gain tied to the extractive industries. “There was a lot of change in position, much more than in recent years. This is a reflection of the first year of the pandemic and the way it happened, differently among the Federation Units”, she explains.


Greater portion of the GDP was destined for remuneration, in the year 2020 was the first year to register this difference since the beginning of the series. For the fourth year in a row, employee remuneration falling from 43.5% of GDP in 2019, to 42.0%.

Despite this, the North Region was the only one not to lose share of employee compensation in Brazil’s GDP, due to the weight that the activity of administration, defence, public education and health and social security has in the region (almost 25%).

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