Gang planned to kidnap judges and civil servants working in agrarian conflict in Rondônia

December 20, 2023
PC-RO serving a warrant against a group that planned to kidnap public authorities (Reproduction/PC-RO)
PC-RO serving a warrant against a group that planned to kidnap public authorities (Reproduction/PC-RO)

Adrisa De Góes – From Cenarium Amazônia Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – The Rondônia Civil Police (PCRO) has discovered that a criminal organization was planning to kidnap and carry out attacks against judges, prosecutors and state officials. The reason, according to the investigations, was that these public officials were involved in the process of evicting the Guajará-Mirim State Park protection unit, a Conservation Unit (UC) located in the municipalities of Guajará-Mirim (RO) and Nova Mamoré (RO). On Tuesday 19th, Operation Shield thwarted the group’s plans, arrested three suspects and seized firearms and ammunition.

The Police Department for Repression of Organized Criminal Actions (Draco2), which coordinated the operation, found evidence that the group had already raised funds to carry out the plan. In addition, data was found on potential victims, each of whom was given different amounts, depending on their public position.

Weapons and bullets were seized (Reproduction/PCRO)

“The investigation stems from the facts surrounding the invasion of Guajará-Mirim Park and Operation Mapinguari, carried out by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in recent months. The criminal group targeted the magistrate responsible for the decision to clear the park”, explained police chief Rondinelly Moreira.

In all, nine search and seizure warrants were served on Tuesday in the municipalities of Buritis, Campo Novo de Rondônia, Jaru, Nova Mamoré and Tarilândia, all in Rondônia. The action was supported by the Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (Gaeco), the Rondônia Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP-RO) and the Special Operations and Resources Coordination (Core).

The name “Shield” means “escudo” in Portuguese, and its symbol is the defence of the Rondônia Civil Police against criminal practices that aim to destabilize the Democratic Rule of Law and the full functioning of the State Powers.


The plans to attack the authorities were motivated by Operation Mapinguari, which was launched in August this year to resolve agrarian conflicts and enforce an order to vacate the state park. The site is an integral protection unit with around 200,000 hectares. Over the years, the region has become the target of devastation due to the permanence of invaders.

Aerial view of Guajará-Mirim State Park (Reproduction/Rondônia Public Prosecutor’s Office)

An investigation by the Rondônia State Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPRO) has revealed that the Guajará-Mirim State Park has suffered environmental damage in excess of R$80 million. The deforestation was allegedly carried out by a criminal group operating in the area.

In 2021, the park’s area was reduced by Complementary Law No. 1,089/2021. The UC had its territory redefined alongside the Jaci-Paraná Extractive Reserve, which lost almost 90% of its total area. This was the largest reduction in environmental reserves ever approved by any Brazilian state.

Earlier this year, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) upheld a decision by the Rondônia State Court of Justice (TJRO), in an action brought by the MPRO, which declared parts of the law unconstitutional.

Edited by Yana Lima
Reviewed by Adriana Gonzaga

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