Governor of AM, Wilson Lima authorizes correction of date-base of state servers of health and primary sector

June 13, 2022
The governor confirmed sending the message to the Amazonas State Legislative Assembly (Reproduction)
The governor confirmed sending the message to the Amazonas State Legislative Assembly (Reproduction)

From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The state health professionals and primary sector will have readjustment in the base date of up to 10% for the year 2021, information was disclosed by the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (União), on the morning of Monday, 13, in their social networks. In the publication, the governor confirmed sending the message to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Amazonas (Aleam).

“We sent to Aleam the message that authorizes, later this month, the correction of the date-base of the state servers Health and Primary Sector, in addition to criminal experts, coroners and dentists Civil Police. This is an important achievement for the appreciation of these categories”, wrote in a tweet.

Publication of the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, about the date of the state servers.


The authorization made by Message Nº44 of 2022, defines the salary readjustments retroactive to June 1st 2022 for the servers of the State Health System, has a revision percentage of 9.06%, and their salaries can vary between R$10 thousand and R$11.9 thousand for the highest positions in the medical area.

Annex I referring to the readjustments of the base-date sent in a message to Aleam by the governor of Amazonas

Will be adjusted by 10% the base date in the third sector, 6.76% referring to the base date of 2021, and 3.24% concerning the base date of 2022, with the salary of the servers of the three bodies ranging from R$ 2.6 thousand to R$ 9.6 thousand.

And 4.58% adjustment, corresponding to the base date of 2019, to coroners, odontolegists and criminal experts of the Civil Police, with remuneration between R$ 16.9 thousand and R$ 25.8 thousand.


Wilson Lima authorized, last Wednesday, 8, in a meeting with unions, the payment of bonus courses and progressions for the state servers of the primary sector that work in the State Secretariat of Rural Production (Sepror), Institute of Agricultural Development and Sustainable Forestry of the State of Amazonas (Idam) and Agricultural and Forestry Defense Agency of the State of Amazonas (Adaf).

“After many negotiations we reached some agreements that are important for the category, such as the course bonus that we will give, progressions, and it is the first time that this happens for these servers. And, also, we closed here a percentage of 10% for the base date. These are important achievements so that we can value this category,” said Wilson Lima during the meeting.

Negotiation meeting with members of the unions that represent the category (Reproduction/Secom)

The representatives of the unions thanked the fulfillment of the demands and highlighted the importance of the restructuring of Law 3.510, sanctioned in January by the governor, a historic correction that will allow dignified retirement to servants with more than 30 years of service and more than 60 years of age. The readjustment of the legislation has been expected for decades by 1,987 public servants from 24 state agencies and institutions, including those in the primary sector.


In January of this year, the governor sanctioned the restructuring of Law 3,510, which will allow dignified retirement for servants with more than 30 years of service and more than 60 years of age. The readjustment of the legislation had been expected for decades by 1,987 employees from 24 state agencies and institutions that are covered by this law.

Before the restructuring of the law, these servants, when they retired, did not receive the Gratuity for Technical-Administrative Activity (Gata), which represents almost 70% of their remuneration, forcing the great majority, even with time and age to retire, to continue working.

According to data from the Secretariat of Administration and Management (Sead), the public servants regulated by the law are between 61 and 74 years old and have already contributed for more than 30 years with the public service. There are employees with up to 41 years of career.

With the restructuring of the law, these employees will be contemplated with the Activity Performance Bonus (Gradat), which was increased between 90 and 150%.

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