Governor of AM, Wilson Lima leads 2nd round with 58.1% of valid votes, according to O Convergente/Research

October 11, 2022
Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (Release)
Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (Release)

From the Editorial Office

MANAUS – A survey conducted by the Institute for Teaching, Research and Media Consulting – The Convergent / Research, which evaluated the scenario for the second round of elections in the Amazon and released on Tuesday, 11, shows the governor of Amazonas and re-election candidate, Wilson Lima (União Brasil), with 58,1% of the valid votes. The Convergente/Pesquisa showed, still, that his opponent in this second round, Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB), has 41.9% of intended votes.

According to the Convergente/Survey, Wilson Lima leads both in the capital, with 53.7%, and in the countryside of the state, where he appears with 62.6%. In the same scenario, Braga has 46.3% of valid votes in the capital, and 37.4% in the countryside of Amazonas.

Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (Promotion)


The survey done by O Convergente/Pesquisa, which heard 1,996 people, was done between October 3rd and 6th, in Manaus and in seven cities in the Amazonas countryside, being: Itacoatiara, Manacapuru; Parintins; Coari; Tefé; Tabatinga, and Maués. In these seven cities, 930 people were heard.

In Manaus, 1,066 people were heard, in 44 neighborhoods in the six zones of the capital.

North Zone – Cidade Nova; Novo Aleixo; Novo Israel; Santa Etelvina; Colônia Terra Nova; Monte das Oliveiras; Nova Cidade; Cidade de Deus, and Lago Azul.
East Zone – Coroado; São José Operário; Armando Mendes; Zumbi dos Palmares; Mauazinho; Jorge Teixeira; Tancredo Neves, and Gilberto Mestrinho.
South Zone – Center; Cachoerinha; Morro da Liberdade; Educandos; São Francisco; Japiim; Petrópolis; Crespo; Raiz, and Betânia.
West Zone – São Jorge; Santo Antônio; Compensa; Lírio do Vale; Santo Agostinho; Tarumã; Nova Esperança, and São Raimundo.
West-Central Zone – Dom Pedro; Alvorada; Planalto, and Redenção.
South-Central Zone – Nossa Senhora das Graças; Parque 10 de Novembro; Aleixo; Flores, and Adrianópolis.

The Convergente/Pesquisa survey was registered in the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) under number AM-03694/2022, has a reliability level of 95% and a margin of error of 2.2% more or less, according to the population data.

See, in full, the survey:

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