Victória Sales – Cenarium Magazine
MANAUS – Through social networks, the governor of Pará, Helder Barbalho (MDB), announced the beginning of vaccination against Covid-19 for children 5 to 11 years in the state. According to the state representative, the vaccine is safe and has been approved. The forecast for the arrival of the immunizer for the age group is January, according to Pfizer’s manifestation.
Helder did not give more details about the date to start immunizing, but confirmed that the state is already prepared to receive the new batches and perform the action. “Pará will vaccinate children from 5 to 11 years old against Covid-19. The vaccine is safe, it has been approved, and our children need to be immunized. We trust in science and we will continue to respect Anvisa’s work and Conass’ position. We need to continue saving lives!”, highlighted
Last December 18, the Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, said that the vaccination against Covid-19 for children aged 5 to 11 years old is not a priority for Brazil, since the country should first worry about completing the vaccination scheme of the entire population.
“Much higher priority than this issue being discussed today is to move forward with the application of the second dose and the booster dose in regions where coverage is low. We have to focus on priorities, and the priority today is to expand the vaccination coverage in the Northern region of Brazil”, said the minister, during a press conference.
Still according to the minister, the World Health Organization (WHO) defends countries that are finishing the vaccination cycle of their populations. Queiroga also pointed out that more important than vaccinating children would be to guarantee vaccine doses for other countries that still have a large part of their adult population unvaccinated.
“The WHO has been clamoring to expand access to vaccines to the population that has not even received the first dose. So, on this point, we are aligned with the World Health Organization. Defending greater equity of vaccine doses for the world and expanding access to vaccines”, said the minister.
In response to a newspaper, Pfizer guaranteed in a new statement that the estimated deadline for the delivery of vaccines for children is January 2022. According to the document, the laboratory has not yet committed to a specific date. The company also disclosed that it works together with the government to define the next steps of the vaccination process.