In Amazonas, institute studies effectiveness of CoronaVac in children and teens

December 07, 2022
Children and adolescents must be in good health and have the authorisation of those legally responsible  (Istock/Arte Lunetas)
Children and adolescents must be in good health and have the authorisation of those legally responsible (Istock/Arte Lunetas)

Priscilla Peixoto – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS -The Clinical Research Institute Carlos Borborema (IPCCB), the Tropical Medicine Foundation Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD), located at Av. Pedro Teixeira, s/n – Dom Pedro, West Zone of Manaus, is looking for volunteers between 3 and 17 years who live in Manaus to participate in a study focused on the performance of CoronaVac. The monitoring will be conducted within a year and is aimed at those who have not yet taken the first dose of the immunizing.

According to the co-responsible researcher and infectious disease physician, Maria Paula Mourao, to participate in the study and monitoring, besides not having taken the first dose of the vaccine, children and adolescents need to be healthy and have the permission of legal guardians who can schedule a visit by number (92) 98601-3752 (WhatsApp) or go to the Tropical Medicine Foundation.

As Maria Paula, besides Manaus, the study covers other capitals of the country and is led by the Butantan Institute, in Sao Paulo. “The study is national, besides Manaus, eight other Brazilian cities perform the research. In Brazil, the study aims to follow about 2 thousand participants. In Manaus, we will follow 200 children and adolescents”, says the infectologist.

It is essential that this population group is adequately immunised (Reproduction/Internet)


The co-responsible, explains that after performing two doses of vaccine for the study, the research team will make periodic telephone contact with the legal guardian of the participant to check the health status and if that child or adolescent had any reaction that may be related to the vaccine.

“It is noteworthy that the study is applied to CoronaVac, Butantan vaccine produced in partnership with the pharmaceutical company Sinovac, one of the vaccines approved and available in Brazil, including for children”, reinforces the doctor who draws attention to the importance of vaccination.

The health professional emphasizes that it is essential that this population group is properly immunized, because in addition to individual protection, vaccination protects the whole society. “Although Anvisa has already released the vaccination of children and adolescents in this age group, immunization of this group is still slow in Brazil. Children are also affected by the disease, which can lead to death”, says Maria who adds;

“Science has already proven the effectiveness of the vaccine against covid-19, but we know that many parents and guardians are apprehensive. This study is an opportunity for these children and adolescents have a long-term follow-up with a specialized health team”, points.

The monitoring will be carried out over a period of one year and is aimed at those who have not yet taken the first dose of the immunisation
(Reproduction/ internet)

Low demand

The goal of participants, so far, has not been reached, the team counts on the population of Manaus to contribute to the vaccination of more children and adolescents and, in parallel, conduct another survey on the subject.

Until the first 15 days of November this year, Manaus registered 10.484 children from 3 to 4 years vaccinated against Covid-19, according to data are the capital Vacinômetro. As estimated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, (IBGE) Manaus presents in all more than 80 thousand children and, little more than 12% of this group received some immunizing against the Coronavirus.

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