In Manaus, R$10.2 million agreement seeks maintenance of 31 parks and squares

June 27, 2022
The funds will go to Semulsp, which will be responsible for the management of the parks, previously under the command of Implurb (Michael Dantas)
The funds will go to Semulsp, which will be responsible for the management of the parks, previously under the command of Implurb (Michael Dantas)

Bruno Pacheco – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – An agreement worth R$ 10.2 million, signed on Monday, 27, seeks the maintenance, conservation and management of 12 parks and 19 squares built by the Social and Environmental Program of Manaus and Interior (Prosamim+) and passed on to the municipality. The measure was signed by Governor Wilson Lima (União Brasil) and the city mayor David Almeida (Avante).

“We are signing an agreement, transferring resources to ensure the maintenance of parks, such as Jefferson Peres, São Raimundo, Mestre Chico and many others scattered throughout the city of Manaus that we have already delivered in our management”, said Governor Wilson Lima.

Altogether, the state will transfer R$ 10 million and the City R$ 200 thousand. The funds will be allocated to the Municipal Department of Public Cleaning (Semulsp) that will manage the parks, previously under the command of the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning (Implurb).

The funds will go to Semulsp, which will be responsible for the management of the parks, previously under the command of Implurb (Bruno Pacheco/Cenarium)

The executive coordinator of the Management Unit of Special Projects (UGPE), civil engineer Marcellus Campêlo, said that Semuslp will insert two more spaces – the Araras Park and the Mirante Leonardo Malcher, in the south of Manaus.

Among the services, are the maintenance of toilets, administrative post and police station; replacement and repair countertops, partitions, dishes and metals; floor paintings and poly-sports courts fences and, among others, in addition to public lighting; maintenance of sidewalks and bike paths; landscaping services; cleaning services and daily sweeping.

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