In the CPI report, Amazonas was cited as an experiment, says Folha de S. Paulo

October 19, 2021
Artwork shows Bolsonaro in the foreground over aerial image of cemetery in Manaus with dozens of open graves for Covid-19 victims. (Art: Ygor Fábio Barbosa)
Artwork shows Bolsonaro in the foreground over aerial image of cemetery in Manaus with dozens of open graves for Covid-19 victims. (Art: Ygor Fábio Barbosa)

Gabriella Lira – from Cenarium

MANAUS – The newspaper Folha de S. Paulo said that the final report of the Senate’s CPI Pandemic, pointed that the Amazon was a “human laboratory”. The newspaper had access to the official document of 1,052 pages, which would be presented to the senators of the CPI on Tuesday, 19, but had delayed presentation.

In the document, the state was used as an experiment and the federal government was negligent not only in monitoring the lack of supplies in the state, but also in the oxygen shortage crisis in January this year. Covid-19 patients died from asphyxiation.

The lack of national coordination for monitoring oxygen consumption in hospitals created an increase in demand for the product in other parts of the country. In Manaus, the Public Ministry’s encouragement of the use of proven ineffective drugs encouraged experiments that violated ethical principles and caused the death of people.

In relation to the indigenous people, the term “genocide” will be used to qualify the actions of Jair Bolsonaro. “The casual link between the anti-indigenism of the president and the damage suffered by native people is clear, even if, like other leaders accused of genocide, he has not indirectly murdered anyone”, says an excerpt from the final text of the CPI.

As a precedent, the report cites the case known as the “Haximu massacre”: a massacre of 16 Indians from the Yanomami tribe by miners in Roraima in 1993. The crime is the only one judged as genocide by Brazilian courts to date – and, in the report’s understanding, shows that the type of penalty does not depend on the number of victims to be characterized.

The definition of the Framework for the Analysis of Atrocity Crimes, a document edited by the United Nations (UN) in 2014, was also used to define Bolsonaro’s conduct.

The report also presented proposals for legislative changes, such as a project that intends to criminalize the creation and dissemination of fake news and establish rights and duties for internet use. Defining and punishing the crime of extermination, foreseen in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is another proposal pointed out. Crimes against the public administration, when committed in a situation of public calamity or health emergency, are highlighted for change in the Penal Code and stiffening of penalties, and proposes a pension for orphans of pandemic victims.

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