Liberation of mother who killed daughter in AM leads to outrage on the Internet

January 06, 2023
Claudiana Freitas, 23 years old, and Isabelly Eloize Soares Freitas, 6 years old (Reproduction/Internet)
Claudiana Freitas, 23 years old, and Isabelly Eloize Soares Freitas, 6 years old (Reproduction/Internet)

Marcela Leiros – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Internet users were outraged with the release, by Justice, of Claudiana Freitas, 23 years, suspected of killing asphyxiated daughter, Isabelly Eloize Soares Freitas, 6 years. The mother went through a custody hearing on Wednesday, 4, and will respond to the process on bail.

The woman was arrested in flagrante on Tuesday, 3, by civil police officers of the Specialized Police Department in Protection of Children and Adolescents (Depca), where she confessed the crime. In networks, the news of the release echoed and people asked Justice for the victim.

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“She may have been released by Justice, but that justice from above is late but does not fail. The law of return. Everything bad that is done here, comes double”, commented a person on Instagram.

On the same social network, another person commented that impunity is already becoming routine. “An absurdity this. People are committing crimes and that’s it”, he said.

A third person also called it “revolting” and said that “God’s Justice does not escape”, referring to the child’s mother.

On Instagram, insiders were outraged by the release (Reproduction/Instagram)

Understand the case

The crime occurred on Monday, 2, in the house where the two lived, in Conjunto Parque Eduardo Braga, New City, North Zone of Manaus. The woman was indicted for the crime of aggravated murder.

On Tuesday, Claudiana took her daughter to the Galilee SPA, where the child was admitted already unconscious. The mother told doctors that the girl had gone bad while eating, but tests made at the scene ruled out this possibility and indicated that the victim had been asphyxiated.

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Isabelly was transferred to Hospital e Pronto-Socorro Joãozinho on the same day, where she died. The mother was arrested after the report of the Forensic Medical Institute (IML) indicated that the girl was killed by asphyxiation. To the police, she claimed to suffer from depression and had already thought of taking her own life.

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