Lula and Bolsonaro mourn death of former deputy Arthur Bisneto

President Lula and former president Jair Bolsonaro (Composition by Paulo Dutra/CENARIUM)
Isabella Rabelo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – President Lula (PT) and former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) have spoken out on social media about the death of former federal deputy for Amazonas Arthur Virgílio Bisneto (PDB). The politicians expressed their grief and condolences to former senator Arthur Virgílio Neto (Sem Partido), Bisneto’s father.

On the X network, Lula said he had received the news with surprise and showed support for the former senator, as well as Arthur Bisneto’s family and friends. “I know that there is no greater pain than the loss of a son or grandson. My condolences to former senator Arthur Virgílio and all of Arthur Bisneto’s family and friends” he said.

Former president Bolsonaro wrote the message directly in response to former senator Arthur Neto’s post, and wished him strength to cope with the loss. “Senator, I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling right now. I only wish God to comfort you and your family today and always,” he lamented.


Arthur Virgílio Bisneto, 44, was found dead on Tuesday afternoon, 28, at his home in the West Zone of Manaus (AM). There is still no information on the cause of death.

Arthur Bisneto’s father, Arthur Virgílio Neto, confirmed the information via his X account, lamenting the loss of his son. “My son Arthur Virgílio do Carmo Ribeiro Bisneto has died. I will meet him soon. You can wait, my son. You know I don’t run away from my commitments!” he wrote.

Bisneto was first elected in 2000, serving as a councillor in the Manaus City Council (CMM) and being the youngest parliamentarian at the time. He was then elected state representative for Amazonas for three consecutive terms (2003 to 2014).

He was also vice-president of the Amazonas State Legislative Assembly (Aleam), a federal deputy, president of the PSDB State Directory and chief of staff at Manaus City Hall during his father’s last term in office. In 2024, Bisneto was considering running for a seat as a Manaus city councillor.

Read more: Politicians express sorrow at Arthur Bisneto’s death: ‘Pain that no father should have to go through’

Edited by Aldizangela Brito
Translated by Bruno Sena

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