Manaus City Councilor asks MPF to remove extreme right-wing protesters in front of the CMA

The extremists are camped in front of the Amazon Military Command (CMA) and are trying to prevent the democratically elected president Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) from being sworn in (Ricardo Oliveira/Cenarium)
Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The PT party councilman Sassá da Construção will trigger the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) against the extreme right-wing protesters who occupy, for the sixth consecutive day, part of Coronel Teixeira Avenue, West Zone of Manaus. The extremists are camped in front of the Amazon Military Command (CMA) and aim to provoke a coup reaction by the armed forces to prevent the democratically elected president Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) from being sworn in. With camping tents, tarpaulins, tents and hammocks, the agglomeration is the target of criticism and complaints from residents of the area.

According to the parliamentarian, there are numerous offenses promoted by the protest. “I want to make it clear that I am in favor of the right of free demonstration, but what is happening in front of the CMA has already exceeded what is reasonable”, he criticized. “First that they ask for democracy, but, they extend banners asking for military intervention. Second that they provoke people passing by to approve their stance and those who don’t support it can be assaulted. Third is that it is necessary to know who is sponsoring the structure of the camp”, highlighted the councilman.

Protesters are camped in front of the CMA, in Manaus (Ricardo Oliveira/Cenarium Magazine)


Sassá goes on to list other reasons for activating the federal agency. “In addition to what I have already mentioned, it is necessary to understand that the Military Command of the Amazon is one of the most respectable branches of the Brazilian armed forces and cannot be being called for a coup, and much less can its facade be used for camping tents, chemical toilets, tying hammocks, in short … it is disrespectful what is being practiced there and the army does not take an attitude”, complained the politician. “If it was a leftist demonstration, I doubt if the force wouldn’t have been used to get us out of there”, he observed.


Still according to Sassá it is likely that next Wednesday, day 9, an eviction action will be employed to dislodge the extreme right-wing protesters from in front of the CMA, thereby releasing the flow of traffic in the area and making the routine back to normality for the population that inhabits part of the West Zone of the capital of Amazonas.

“I believe that on Tuesday, 8, I will have an answer from the MPF and I evaluate that by Wednesday we will have the use of State security forces to remove the protesters”, he declared. Asked about the possibility, he replied. “In addition to my request, other agents are also demanding an attitude from the MPF”, he concluded.


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