Manaus’ school competes with 28 other schools in the country in an international film festival

October 19, 2022
Raimundo Almeida Lúcio Municipal School (Release)
Raimundo Almeida Lúcio Municipal School (Release)

From the Editorial Office

MANAUS – The municipal school Raimundo Almeida Lúcio, from Manaus City Hall, located in the neighborhood Colonia Terra Nova, North zone, is among the 28 teaching units of Brazil in the competition for the category Competitive Showcase School Shorts, the 14th edition of the MacacuCine International Film Festival, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The unit is participating with the short film entitled “Cinema na Escola”, School Cinema in english, a little over five minutes long.

Raimundo Almeida Lúcio Municipal School (Release)

The films submitted by students, whether as a result of school work, audiovisual workshops, or on their own, were pre-selected by the festival’s programming team, and the best ones will be chosen by the popular jury, from a vote that took place until last Saturday, the 16th. The first three places will receive a cash prize. To help the teaching unit, just follow this link, enter your e-mail and confirm your vote.

The short film was the result of the project “School in Cinema”, contemplated in the Manaus Makes Culture 2021 edict, through the Municipal Council of Culture (Concultura), which took the audiovisual productions to the municipal school Raimundo Almeida Lúcio.

“It is a great privilege to participate in a competition at the international level, with work done here ‘on the school ground’, with students who until then had no contact with this audiovisual world. And the film is very good, so we are also very confident and believe that we will achieve a good result in the voting of the popular jury”, said the manager of the school, Erleane Oliveira.

The Raimundo Almeida Lúcio school’s short film was produced by 60 students from 5th to 9th grade, in a 60-day period, starting in May. The coordinators of the short film were the audiovisual directors George Augusto and Bruno Pereira.

The script of the short film focused on showing the audiovisual process, the handling of a professional camera, how a video and audio edition is made, as well as the process of finalizing the edition of a short film. It also showed a little of what happened in the two workshops offered to the students of the unit.

“We did a very intense job with these students, with two weeks of workshops, showing them the whole audiovisual process, teaching them how to edit video and sound, the editing finishing process, and then the production of this short film. And now we are reaping the fruits of this work, with this nomination in the MacacuCine International Festival, in Rio de Janeiro, and we can only thank teacher Erleane for opening the school doors to this project, for promoting the audiovisual in the Colônia Terra Nova neighborhood”, said audiovisual director George Augusto.

One of the students who participated in the scenes of the short film was Nicolas Rocha, 12, from 6th grade. For the student, the experience was unique, because he had never even seen a professional camera as close as he came in contact with it during the audiovisual workshops and during the recording of the short film.

“For me it was a very different experience, because it was the first time I was part of something like this, filming, recording, and working with image editing in workshops. It was very good”, said the student.


In the School Short Film Competitive Showcase category, 1st place will receive R$ 1 thousand; 2nd place will receive R$ 750, and 3rd place will receive R$ 500.

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