National Coffee Day: production grows 1,150% and maintains expansion in AM

May 25, 2023
Coffee production in the Amazon (Reproduction/Getty Images)
Coffee production in the Amazon (Reproduction/Getty Images)

Adrisa De Góes – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – Second most consumed beverage in Brazil, only behind water, coffee is one of the main export products in the country. This Wednesday, 24th, when the National Coffee Day is celebrated, marks the beginning of the Brazilian harvest. And, in the Amazon, the coffee production has been gaining space in the national scenario.

According to the National Supply Company (Conab), the harvest in Amazonas soil went from six thousand bags in 2016 to 75 thousand in 2022, an increase of 1,150%. Consequently, in the same period, the area of this production also grew, with an increase from 429 to 4,145 hectares. The data correspond to the varieties Arabica, which is sweeter, and Robusta, which is more bitter.

Rural producer during coffee handling, in Amazonas (Reproduction/Sepror)

Throughout 2023, the Secretariat of Rural Production (Sepror) has among the folder actions, the continuity of delivery of 1,500 family farming kits with coffee seedlings, which began, still, in 2022. The municipalities of Autazes, Careiro Castanho, Careiro da Várzea, Iranduba, Manacapuru, Novo Airão, and Rio Preto da Eva were contemplated with 265 kits, which have 30 seedlings, divided into six types of coffee.

Expanding potential

Encouraged by the continuous growth of coffee production in recent years, the Government of Amazonas has sought to expand the production of coffee in the state. In a visit to the “Três Corações” factory, on AM-010, on Wednesday the 24th, the technical team from the State Secretariat of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (Sedecti) advanced in the articulations that aim at employment and income in the region.

“We are working for the regional products to have a growth in production and commercialization. With this, not only the capital gains, but also the interior. This work extends to other products besides coffee, such as rubber, nuts, and açaí, always seeking the economic development of our state,” says the Executive Secretary of Economic Development at Sedecti, Gustavo Igrejas.

The head of the Economic Diversification Department of the folder, Sandro Amazonas, emphasizes that the Executive Power works to enable the expansion of coffee production, by granting aid to producers. “We will work to articulate the expansion of local coffee. The plant intends to acquire even more inputs to grow the coffee production chain in Amazonas,” he said.

Sedecti teams visiting the ‘Três Corações’ factory, a food brand specialized in coffee (Release/Sedecti)


According to the book História do Café (History of Coffee), by Ana Luiza Martins, published in 2008, it was in 1450 that the habit of drinking coffee became a pleasurable moment at the table, either at home or in collective places. The drink was popular among philosophers, who, by drinking it, remained awake and alert for the practice of spiritual exercises.

From 1450 on, drinking coffee on a daily basis became a habit (Reproduction/Internet)

Later, Turkey was responsible for spreading coffee as a habit at the family table, turning it into a ritual of sociability. The world’s first coffee – the Kiva Han – originated in Turkey, around 1475. From then on, drinking coffee became a “rite” spread all over the world.

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