Nely Marubo is the first woman to head the Javari Valley Regional Coordination Office

Nely Marubo during the swearing-in ceremony (Reproduction)
Jadson Lima and Isabella Rabelo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – Anthropologist Nely Barbosa Duarte Dollis, of the Marubo ethnic group, took up the post of head of the Regional Coordination of the Javari Valley, in the municipality of Atalaia do Norte, 1,136 kilometers from Manaus. She is the first woman to occupy the Regional Coordination of the Javari Valley – CRVJ/FUNAI.

The unit linked to the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI) is responsible for monitoring the implementation of actions to protect the rights of indigenous peoples in the Javari Valley region of Amazonas. Nely Duarte was appointed to the post in April 2024.

The new head of the FUNAI unit has a master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Nely works on the topics of Yôra knowledge, Marubo women, Marubo kinship, Marubo clans and handicrafts. She has also held a position in the coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon, in 2021.


During the swearing-in ceremony, the indigenous Alfredo Marubo said that the work of the new Regional Coordination of the Javari Valley must be transparent, listen to the indigenous leaders of the region and know how to deal with criticism. “I’d like to say to Nely, in front of all the indigenous peoples who are going to evaluate you, that you should listen more to the leaders, with more transparency. A lot of people take power and say goodbye to everyone. Be different. Sometimes you have to know how to listen to criticism, because you’re in a federal agency, Funai”, said Alfredo.


In April this year, FUNAI ignored the choice of the region’s indigenous communities and appointed Nely Marubo to the post. The institution informed CENARIUM MAGAZINE at the time that Nely Barbosa Duarte Dollis’ name was among the four chosen by the indigenous communities.

However, the information was refuted by the General Organization of the Mayuruna, which pointed out that only two names had been nominated. The person selected “didn’t even get a vote from the community”, said the organization, which pointed to the institution’s negligence.

Indigenous people gathered in protest in front of FUNAI in the Javari Valley (Reproduction/Personal archive)

As a way of demonstrating, the indigenous people began an occupation of FUNAI’s headquarters, with the participation of the majority of the Mayuruna/Matsés peoples, as well as the Kulina and Pano. After the death of the former coordinator last year, the indigenous people had chosen, by consensus, Jaime Mayuruna to take over the position, a request that was not granted by the foundation.

Read more: Indigenous peoples of the Javari Valley occupy FUNAI headquarters

Translated by Bruno Sena

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