Olhar do Norte Festival: northern women discuss alternatives and spaces in the audiovisual sector

January 24, 2022
 The event took place at the Palace of Justice, this Sunday afternoon, 23rd (Malu Dacio/ Cenarium)
The event took place at the Palace of Justice, this Sunday afternoon, 23rd (Malu Dacio/ Cenarium)

Malu Dacio – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Sabrina Tretin, Isabela Catão, Rosa Malagueta and Keyla Sankofa debated about women in cinema in a round promoted by the Olhar do Norte Festival (Northern Look). The event took place at the Palace of Justice, this Sunday afternoon, 23rd.

With more than 35 years of experience, the actress Rosa Malagueta defends that the tip to reach new spaces is to meet other women. “I started to look for some people in the pandemic. New actresses and artists. For me, having confidence in a person and knowing what they do is necessary”, she says.

Rosa suggested to the professionals present at the discussion the creation of a database. “Actresses I know many, but technical professionals we need to know and form a database with Amazonas employees”, she suggested.

Actress Rosa Malagueta defends that the tip to reach new spaces is to meet other women (Larissa Martins)

For the actress Isabela Catão, the protagonist of one of the films to be shown at the festival, the exchange between women foments and encourages others to enter this universe. “I feel that communication and expressing our thoughts more and more in a circle with other women encourages and gives room and encourages these women to talk about what they think”, she says.

“I feel that this conversation circle somehow encourages these women to do that they want to do, I believe that. So by bringing them to this place I think it makes other people look at them, get to know them”, she explains.

Actress Isabela Catão and director Sabrina Tretim (Malu Dacio/Cenarium)

First time

Born in Tocantins, director Sabrina Tretim came from Curitiba to show her film in the North Region for the first time.

“It is the first time that the film is showing in the North Region, which is the region where I was born so this is very strong and very important for me. I was even nervous, because there are three wonderful women there, I, my God, what do I say?” she said.

“But it was very incredible to be there, with these other three women to talk about women in art, women making art. Because there are many obstacles in cinema, even more in this geographical area in the north, but I felt at home, I am feeling at home, I am very happy”, she confesses.

One of the listeners who was in the circle was the actress Sarah Margarido. She says that she has become more and more interested in audiovisuals.

“I think a lot of things reverberate in us from a lay point of view, who don’t have much contact with the cinema here in the North. We think of it as something much more closed, even in the way of introducing yourself into the medium.

“In my view, women speaking like this is a total inspiration. I strongly believe that starting today many women who were present here and even those who were watching the live will think about producing and have the courage to put themselves in this place”, she concluded.

About the artists

Film Director – Sabrina Tretim. Director born in Araguaína (TO)
About the film: My heart is a little emptier in the flood (TO); Dir. Sabrina Trentin – 10′ – 14
People wait a whole year to go down to the Araguaia river, where the sky is higher and once in a year seems like once in a lifetime. In this film-essay, words and images tell about parties in the water. Very soon all that will run in your veins is the river. And only the river.

Isabela Catão is an actress and two films featuring her will be shown at the festival.

January 21st, 2022
8pm – Amazonas Theater

Buried in the Backyard (AM); Dir. Diego Bauer – 15′ – 16
When younger, Isabela buried a revolver in her backyard with a promise to take revenge on her stepfather who beat her mother. Years later she digs up the gun and goes in search of her revenge.

January 23, 2022
8:00 pm Teatro Amazonas

Terra Nova (AM); Dir. Diego Bauer – 22′ – 12
Manaus, April 2020. Karoline is a theater actress who decides to go to a branch of the Caixa Bank to request her emergency aid. She is accompanied by her sister who will try to get her job back.

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