‘Our politics is very discredited,’ says delegate Marcelo Dias, pre-candidate for state lawmaker

Photo: Ricardo Oliveira/CENARIUM

Ívina Garcia – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Specialist in public security by the International Law Enforcement Academy, in El Salvador, graduated in Industrial Informatics by the Federal Technical School of Amazonas and Law by UFAM, the Federal Police delegate Marcelo Dias is pre-candidate to state lawmaker in Amazonas, by the Brazilian Women’s Party (PMB), which tries to change the name to Brazil 35.

Marcelo Dias has been a police officer for 20 years, 17 of which have been in the Federal Police. He started his career as an agent and, in the following year, he became a delegate. Marcelo worked as head of the Police Department for Combating Property Crimes (Delepat), arms trafficking and criminal factions. He was also head of the Police Department for Control and Inspection of Private Security (Delesp), Regional Sub-coordinator of Major Events of the 2014 World Cup, coordinator of the private security area in the 2014 World Cup, head of the Police Department for Control of Arms and Chemicals (Deleaq) and head of the Tax Police Department (Delefaz).


Currently, Marcelo Dias is a delegate of the Federal Police, but is not in charge of any specialized police station because of the election legislation. To CENARIUM, the Federal Police delegate in Amazonas talked about his views on Elections 2022 and how he is preparing for the candidacy.

Watch the interview with the pre-candidate for state lawmaker, delegate Marcelo Dias:

CENARIUM MAGAZINE – We know that 2022 is a crucial year for the future of Brazil, we are living a moment of polarization, how do you evaluate the current scenario?

Marcelo Dias – Choosing a bad candidate causes at least four years of damage to the population. I believe that this election will have a very bad aspect, because it will be a post-covid election. This will be an election marked by unemployment and other social ills left by the pandemic. In this election people are more desperate for some help and this can lead to bad choices.

CM – What are your main goals, if elected?

MD – We have to be our best selves and there is no way to escape that. I am a Federal Police delegate, I am in the public security area, so there is no doubt that my flagship will be public security. Now, obviously, I am a pre-candidate for state lawmaker, where my main competence is the inspection of public resources, which is an area in which I already work within the Federal Police.

CM – You have a vast experience in public security, how do you intend to bring this to your campaign?

MD – In relation to public security, I have good ideas to implement with the state government, no matter who it is. Today we have a polarization between Wilson Lima and Amazonino, so, within this context, whichever of the two takes office as state government, we have many ideas to add in the field of public security, using the vast experience acquired in an institution considered today by Brazilians to be the most credible in the country: the Federal Police.

CM – What is your opinion about political polarization and what is your position in this regard?

MD – The word is commitment. I cannot get into an issue like this without compromising, without taking a side, without taking sides. I am a Federal Police delegate, my agendas are right-wing, I am conservative and I am part of a security force. Within this context, my affinity, on a national level, is with president Bolsonaro.

CM – How are you preparing for your candidacy? We know that people in public positions need to leave their posts before taking a seat in the legislative house.

MD – April 2nd was the day for public employees, as is my case, to resign. I was in charge of two precincts and I resigned, but I am not licensed, the license is ahead. I am in pre-campaign, waiting for the opportune moment, legally speaking, to be able to present my proposals.

CM – We had a gigantic participation in social networks in 2018, do you believe this phenomenon will repeat itself? How do you evaluate this scenario?

MD – I think that 2018 was the election of the social networks and I believe that the scenario will repeat itself because of the strong movements that we are already seeing happening even before the campaign.

CM – Many people believe that voting white or null is a form of protest, what is your view on the choice of abstaining?

MD – By voting white or null, you are putting other people in charge of the decision, so you can’t complain later. In the 2020 election, with whites, nulls and abstentions hitting 33%, you could see a very bad feeling that people don’t want to vote. Our politics is very discredited. People don’t even want to go out and vote, and those that do go out and vote, either annul their vote or vote in blank. This bad feeling of people towards politics is what I intend to change by bringing words of enlightenment showing that the voter has good options and that he has the power of change at his fingertips. Voiding the vote or voting in blank is not a good way to protest. It is not by abstaining from the process that you will improve the situation. You can even be fooled by a bad candidate, but he can only fool you once. But you have to participate, the problem is that people no longer believe in the positive change that elections can promote.


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