Pavulagem Festival takes to the streets of Belém with a ‘mosaic of amazonic culture’

June 16, 2023
Arraial do Pavulagem has 36 years of tradition (Leandro Moreira/ Arraial do Pavulagem)
Arraial do Pavulagem has 36 years of tradition (Leandro Moreira/ Arraial do Pavulagem)

Daleth Oliveira – from Cenarium Magazine

PARÁ – The streets of Belém, capital of the State of Pará, will once again be colored by a sea of people in love with popular culture, during the 2nd Arrastão do Pavulagem this Sunday, 18th. The parade filled with folk traditions and regional rhythms should bring together an average of 35,000 people to celebrate the “mosaic of amazonic culture”, in the words of the president of the Arraial do Pavulagem Institute, Master Ronaldo Silva.

“Our parade, in Belém, is inspired in the tradition of the oxen, present in the Amazon. We have parades in São Luís (MA), in Parintins (AM), and even here in the interior of Pará, in São Caetano de Odivelas. But there isn’t one bull that is the same as another; there is always something different, be it the accent, the rhythm, or the embroidery of what is done here or in other places. However, all the elements of the procession, instruments, dance, rhythms and toys help to tell the story of the culture of our region. And here, at the Arraial, we are proud of putting this mosaic of Amazonian culture on the streets every June”, says Ronaldo.

Ronaldo Silva is a master and president of the Pavulagem Institute (Release)

The Arraial do Pavulagem is a popular party that has been consecrated Cultural Heritage of Pará and is marked by traditions and characteristic elements of the Amazonian culture. The carimbó, the siriá, and the ‘toadas de boi’ are the rhythms that set the tone for the arrastão to celebrate the Paraense June season.

In the streets, both the participants and the musicians wear straw hats adorned with ribbons during the celebration. Therefore, this element is one of the main characteristics of the cultural identity of the festival, besides, of course, the Boi Pavulagem.

Boi Pavulagem entertains the players in arrastões (Dah Passos)

Another outstanding attraction of the Arraial are the people who perform on stilts in the Batalhão da Estrela space, accompanied by the dance and music group. The masts, decorative structures adorned with colorful ribbons and cultural symbols, are also present in the parade.

Arraial for a world of peace

Under the theme “Arrastão do Pavulagem 2023 – Arraial por um Mundo de Paz”, the event began on June 11 and will continue on Sundays, June 18, 25, and July 2. The gathering of brincantes and the public begins at 8am, at the Republic Square. Then it goes along Avenida Presidente Vargas to the Waldemar Henrique Square and its surroundings, remaining until 2 pm with the shows of Arraial do Pavulagem and collaborating artists. The square is set up in a large arraial – with a cover of flags and scenic elements that provide, in addition to visual beauty, thermal comfort for the public and the players.

“We expect the best for these four arrastões and the public can believe that we will give our best for this great party, which has as its greatest tradition to bring culture to the people of the Amazon. They are a time for fun and for understanding the relationship between our past and building our future as human beings living in harmony. This is essential for us here, in the Amazon, and in the whole world”, says musician and composer Ronaldo Silva.

Ten tips to enjoy the Arraial do Pavulagem

With the high temperatures typical of the month of June, added to the sea of people on the city streets, going all the way through the parade requires some care to make the experience the best possible. With this in mind, the organizers of the Arraial do Pavulagem give ten tips on what to do to enjoy the event with well-being and safety.

Eat well before you go;
Wear light clothes and shoes;
Use sunblock and a hat;
Stay hydrated;
Throw garbage in the trash;
Keep an eye on your belongings;
Do not move away from the children for whom you are responsible;
Respect the Star Battalion’s space;
Keep a safe distance from the stilt-walkers to avoid accidents;
Sing and dance respecting the space of all the players.

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