Pazuello’s ex-wife says Bolsonaro government used Manaus as a laboratory in the pandemic: ‘I was there’

October 25, 2022
Pazuello's ex-wife reveals behind the scenes of health care in Amazonas (Art: Mateus Moura)
Pazuello's ex-wife reveals behind the scenes of health care in Amazonas (Art: Mateus Moura)

Ívina Garcia – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Andrea Barbosa, ex-wife of former Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello, said this Monday, 24, in a publication on Instagram, that was in Manaus when the federal government made the Amazonian capital of “laboratory” to prove herd immunity, advocated by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). She states that the experiment took place during the “oxygen crisis” in January 2021.

“I was there when Manaus was made a laboratory to test herd immunity (that’s right, the same one that is tested on cattle)”, she says, adding that she also saw chloroquine, a proven ineffective drug, being distributed to pregnant women by the TratCov app.

“I was there when thousands of coffins were buried in ditches because the cemetery no longer had room and the president said he was not a gravedigger and therefore had nothing to do with it”, he further says.

To CENARIUM MAGAZINE, the Ministry of Health stated that since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic it has acted in a “swift and transparent manner” to expedite measures of prevention, protection, and care for the Brazilian population.

Read more: SPECIAL | They made Amazon a guinea pig – Manaus, the great guinea pig

Post by Pazuello’s ex-wife (Reproduction)

TratCov Application

The application TratCov was even cited during testimony of the CPI of Covid, in the Federal Senate in Brasilia, which investigated crimes committed in the health of the Amazon. At the time, Pazuello said that the application had been “hacked” and that it had not left the testing period.

Contrary to what Pazuello said, the platform was even officially launched in Manaus, even with the presence of the Secretary of Health Work Management, Mayra Pinheiro. The application promised to indicate infected people from the symptoms of the coronavirus, without an effective realization of tests.

Read more: With scientific experiments in the Amazon, CPI report blames ‘Covid Kit’

“Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the Ministry of Health team was distributing chloroquine, drinking expensive whiskies and serving the city’s high bourgeoisie without oxygen”, reports Andrea about the behavior of the officials.

Andrea reiterates that the “right-wing media” wants to sell the image that she is just a betrayed and spiteful woman seeking to degrade the image of her ex-husband, but that the denunciations are not for personal reasons but for “humanity”. “I was simply in Manaus begrudgingly, but I was. At that moment I still believed in the salvation of a marriage and I took the challenge”, she says.

No forgiveness

“I snapped, I confess. It was too much for me. God made me too human to not agree, to not accept, to rebel against all of this”, wrote Andrea while stating that she will never forgive the government and those who agreed with it.

In Andrea’s view, the capital of Amazonas was chosen to be a laboratory because of logistical difficulties and media control. “Manaus, a city of long distances and logistical difficulties, was the perfect instrument for the greatest atrocities”, she says.

“They wouldn’t test people from the South and Southeast, the news media wouldn’t forgive them. But in Manaus the media is commanded by the government and they replicate according to the money that is allocated”, she concludes.

Eduardo Pazuello had a close relationship with Bolsonaro and was a supporter of early treatment with the “Covid Kit” (Reproduction)

Amazon of guinea pig

In August 2021, the physical magazine of CENARIUM MAGAZINE brought reports of low-income patients made a “guinea pig” in the Amazon capital, through the prescription of the “Covid Kit”. The report showed prescriptions containing early treatment drugs. Besides hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and azithromycin were also prescribed.

Read also: In the CPI report, Amazonas was cited as an experiment, says Folha de S. Paulo

Medicines were part of the “Kit Covid”, distributed in Manaus during the health crisis (Catarine Hak/Cenarium Magazine)

According to Senator Omar Aziz, who chaired the Covid CPI, the prescription of drugs without scientific proof in Manaus directly contributed to the deaths of the infected in the first months of 2021.

In an exclusive interview to CENARIUM MAGAZINE last year, Aziz talked about the use of Manaus as a testing laboratory. “Manaus was used as a guinea pig. An experiment that scientifically was already proven to have no result, and they insisted on it”, he said.

Research pointed to a worsening

Research conducted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/Amazon), in partnership with the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), showed that patients who said they had taken ivermectin or other drugs to “prevent” Covid-19 had higher infection rates than people who had not used any medication.

SPECIAL | They made Amazon a guinea pig – ‘Covid Kit’ in Belém

The result was part of a study that analyzed the risk factors of the pandemic in Manaus and that was submitted, in February this year, for publication in an international scientific journal.

Prescription given in UBSs of Manaus and medicines from “Kit Covid” (Ricardo Oliveira/Cenarium)

“If I believe that this drug prevents, what happens? I let my guard down. Because I take the medication that I believe protects me”, explained one of the authors of the article, Ufam professor Jaila Dias Borges, to El País newspaper.

According to information from Ufam, a total of 3,046 city residents participated in the study. The researchers analyzed blood samples from the volunteers to detect the presence of antibodies against the new coronavirus, which is a sign of a previous infection.

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