Pope Francis calls for peace and vaccine in Easter message

April 04, 2021
Pelo segundo ano seguido, o pontífice realizou a missa do feriado católico sem fiéis em decorrência da pandemia do novo coronavírus (Reprodução/ Internet)
Pelo segundo ano seguido, o pontífice realizou a missa do feriado católico sem fiéis em decorrência da pandemia do novo coronavírus (Reprodução/ Internet)

With information from Metrópoles

Pope Francis in his Easter message spoke about the Covid-19 pandemic and the wars that prevail in some countries. The Pontiff celebrated Holy Mass this Sunday morning, 4, in the Vatican Basilica.

“The pandemic is still in full development; the social and economic crisis is very heavy, especially for the poorest; despite that – and it’s scandalous –, armed conflicts do not cease and military arsenals are strengthened,” said the pope, according to Vatican News.

“An essential tool in this fight is vaccines. For this reason, it calls on the entire international community to make a common effort to overcome the delays in the distribution of doses and facilitate their sharing, especially with the poorest countries,” he said of the fight against Covid-19.

In the lockdown, the celebration was attended by only a few faithful, who for the second year in a row were unable to attend the ceremony due to the spread of the virus.

Francisco also remembered the patients of the pandemic, who lost a loved one, the unemployed, and doctors and nurses. According to him, the risen Christ is hope for these people.

Prayer for peace

For spiritual authority, the pandemic caused the increase of wars in the world, and, consequently, increased poverty. “In the world, there are still too many wars, too much violence! The Lord, who is our peace, help us to overcome the war mentality,” was the cry of the Pope.

Among the countries that suffer from wars, the pontiff recalled Myanmar: “Who strive for democracy,” he said. And from Iraq, a nation he recently visited: “I pray to continue the path of pacification.”

“In the light of the Risen One, our sufferings are transfigured. Where there was death, now there is life; where there was mourning, now there is consolation. By embracing the Cross, Jesus gave meaning to our sufferings. Happy Easter to everyone!”, said Francisco at the end of the Mass.

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