Rental aid for women victims of violence: understand the proposal

August 18, 2023
Woman at the window (Reproduction/iStock)
Woman at the window (Reproduction/iStock)

Adrisa De Góes – From the Cenarium Amazon Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – With at least one woman a victim of violence every four hours in Brazil, according to the bulletin “They live: data that is not silent”, by the Network of Security Observatories, the Federal Senate has approved Bill (PL) No. 4.875/2020, which provides for the payment of rental aid to women who are victims of domestic violence. The proposal is awaiting sanction by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

The text, approved on Wednesday, 16, amends the Maria da Penha Law (No. 11.340/2006) and strengthens the mechanisms to curb domestic and family violence against women. With a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Senator Margareth Buzetti (PSD-MT), the initiative was unanimously approved in the Legislative House.

“This is a provision that reinforces the protection given by the Maria da Penha Law to victims so that, through this aid, they can find adequate housing and shelter when they encounter situations of threat, hostility and violence that make it necessary to leave their homes”, said Buzetti in her justification.

Senator Margareth Buzetti (Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado)

According to the rapporteur, data from the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook 2021 indicates that the number of femicides occurring each year in the country has risen from 929 to 1,350, i.e. an increase of 45% between 2016 and 2020. The survey partially takes into account the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated the problem.

Who is eligible?

Rental assistance is aimed at women who have suffered domestic violence and are in a situation of social and economic vulnerability. The grant must be passed on to the victim for up to six months.

The text aims to “grant the victim rent assistance, with the amount fixed according to her situation of social and economic vulnerability, for a period of up to six months”.

Who will bear the costs?

The rent allowance must be paid by the states, municipalities or the Federal District, from social assistance resources. The decision to pay the rent must be made by the judge responsible for the domestic violence case.

Woman with the ‘X’ on her palm, one of the symbols of the fight against domestic violence (Paulo H. Carvalho/Agência Brasília)

According to Margareth Buzetti, the six-month limit allows the measure to be viable. “The maximum duration of six months for the rent allowance demonstrates its temporary nature and limits its financial impact on the budget”, she said.

World alert

In 2022, during a side event at the annual Conference of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the United Nations (UN) held a debate on the role that boys and men need to play to help eliminate gender-based violence. During his speech, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that violence against women and girls could be the “world’s longest and deadliest pandemic”.

“We cannot accept a world in which half of humanity is at risk on the streets, in their homes or online. We must end violence against women and girls – now”, said the Secretary-General. “Men created this scourge. Men must put an end to it”, he said, recalling that one in three women worldwide has directly experienced violence.

Read the initial text of the Bill:

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