Cassandra Castro – from Cenarium
BRASILIA (DF) – The police of Sena Madureira, in the countryside of the state of Acre, is investigating the action of a group of alleged land grabbers accused of terrorizing residents of branch 25, also known as Cassirian, inside the Amazon territory. At least seven people were arrested by popular, including a minor. According to police information, five firearms, rifles, a chainsaw and white weapons were seized from the group.
From the edge of the BR-364 highway to the place where they were found, it is almost 40 kilometers along the 25 branch road, an area considered to be difficult to access. Last week, the victims of the group appeared at the Public Security Unit of Sena to give statements.
One of the members of the gang threatened to cut the head of a resident and make a ball out of it: “The atmosphere was really terrorizing”, said a settler who preferred not to be identified.
In charge of the investigations, Delegate Leonardo Meyohas Neves caught the defendants in the act and sent to the judiciary the request for preventive detention of all of them. “This is a group that committed crimes in the area, terrorizing the local population. They are involved in land invasions and squatting. Now, they are at the disposal of Justice”, he commented. The case should be forwarded to the state of Amazonas.