Scandal of the so-called ‘fura-filas’, in Manaus, enters the retrospective of ‘Fantástico’ show, from Rede Globo

December 27, 2021
Gabrielle and Isabelle Lins published the vaccination on social networks (Reproduction/Instagram)
Gabrielle and Isabelle Lins published the vaccination on social networks (Reproduction/Instagram)

Marcela Leiros – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The electronic periodical “Fantastico”, from TV Globo, showed on the night of this Sunday, 26, a retrospective with highlights of 2021. Among them, the tv show recalled the scandal of “fura-filas” in Manaus, which imploded when the twins Gabrielle and Isabelle Lins, daughters of a businessman of the Amazon capital, published photos on social networks if vaccinating when immunization against Covid-19 began in the state.

The report, which dealt specifically with the power of influencing people to get vaccinated through the viralization of photos on social networks, recalled the case that became a national scandal. At the height of the pandemic, with many records of victims of Covid-19, mainly, by the new variant of the disease, the P.1, the medical twins took vaccine soon after being appointed to work in the administrative area of a Basic Health Unit (UBS) Manaus.

Retrospective recalled the case of the vaccination “fura-filas” in Manaus. (Reproduction)

Graduated last year, sisters Gabrielle and Isabelle Lins posted about the immunization on social networks and were the target of attacks. Gabrielle was appointed on January 18 – the day the vaccines were sent to the city – as project manager, with a salary of R$ 8 thousand.

At the time, they justified, as did the Manaus City Hall, that they worked in the front line at UBS Nilton Lins, a unit named after their father, the owner of the University and Schools Nilton Lins. After the scandals, Judge Jaíza Pinto Fraxe prohibited them and some other people who were also vaccinated, such as the municipal secretary of Health, Shádia Fraxe, and the municipal secretary of Urban Cleaning, Sabá Reis, to take the second dose of the immunizer. However, the sisters circumvented the determination. Gabrielle and Isabelle were then exonerated.

The mayor

The irregularities identified in the applications of vaccines against Covid-19 resulted in a complaint of the Public Ministry of Amazonas (MP-AM) in Justice against the mayor of Manaus, David Almeida (Avante), and the municipal secretary of Health. It dealt with irregularities in vaccination, highlighting the favoritism of people who were not included in the priority group for vaccination against Covid-19. The complaint also asked that the two be removed from office.

The Court of Justice of Amazonas (TJAM) is also analyzing, until today, the request for the arrest of the mayor of Manaus for embezzlement and misrepresentation. At the time, Judge Délcio Santos considered that the Court had no competence to judge the case, but the Federal Court returned the case to the local Judiciary understanding the competence to judge this petition.

This was not the first time that the Covid-19 vaccination scheme was highlighted on the national network. In January, Fantástico also showed details of the MP-AM investigation that investigated allegations of people vaccinated who were not among the priorities.

According to the MP-AM, the city hall found an irregular way to hire ten doctors on the eve of the start of vaccination and had no control of who should be immunized.

Read also: EDITORIAL – A year of pain, embarrassment and extortion to the largest capital of the Amazon

The disorganization in the municipal vaccination plan also made the Government of São Paulo suspend, at the time, the shipment of 50 thousand doses of the CoronaVac vaccine against Covid-19 that would be donated to the State of Amazonas. The São Paulo administration said it was awaiting the presentation of the State’s immunization schedule to donate the doses.

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