See Rodrigo Santoro’s immersion itinerary on a visit to the Amazon

July 31, 2023
Actor Rodrigo Santoro pilots a boat on a visit to the Amazon (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)
Actor Rodrigo Santoro pilots a boat on a visit to the Amazon (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)

Adrisa De Góes – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – A visit to a conservation unit, riverside communities, beaches and caves, as well as paddling in the igapó – a type of vegetation characteristic of the Amazon rainforest that remains flooded even when the rivers are dry. These were some of the places where actor Rodrigo Santoro went during his immersion in the Amazon last week.

The tour happened after the filming of the movie “Another side of the sky”, a production that will be portrayed in the region scheduled for release next year. The artist was accompanied by his wife, actress Mel Fronckowiak, and his daughter, as well as actress Tainá Müller, who made the trip with her husband and son.

On social networks, Santoro published an account of the experience and said that the passage through the Amazon “made him think about the future and hope”. To CENARIUM MAGAZINE, the partner of Katerre Ecoturismo, Ruy Carlos Tone, who led the journey, detailed the places where he took the group.

Actor Rodrigo Santoro, businessman Ruy Carlos Tone and actress Mel Fronckowiak (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)

“Gradually, we are structuring with the city, communities and even in Manaus, a way to present the Amazon, not only in a comfortable way, but in a panel that shows and sensitizes the visiting public that the preservation of the forest involves being sensitized to the greatness of nature and the people who have been there for centuries”, said the businessman.

Jaú National Park

The show of the Amazonian ecosystems that make up the Jaú National Park, located between the municipalities of Novo Airão and Barcelos, in the north of Amazonas, entered the group’s itinerary. The place is managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and has approximately 2.4 million hectares.

The Conservation Unit (UC) was created in 1980, at the initiative of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment (Ibama), based on studies carried out by the Amazon Research Institute (Inpa), and was named after one of the largest Brazilian fish and also one of the rivers that bathes the area, the Jaú River.

Aerial view of Jaú National Park (Josângela Jesus/ICMBio)

Madadá Caves

Among the records published by Rodrigo Santoro are the Madadá Caves. The scenario is formed by two sets composed of blocks of rock existing more than 700 million years ago, interspersed with vegetation.

Madadá Caves (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)

Paddling on Monkey Island

The region is home to the diversity of Amazonian fauna, among a sanctuary of monkeys that give the place its name and that became known as Ilha dos Macacos. In the environment, located partly in an igapó region, it is possible to spot the primates as they jump from branch to branch.

Monkeys in the treetops (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)

Riverside schools

Schools located in riverside areas were also marked by the actor’s records in the region. One of the institutions visited was in the Cachoeira do Jaú Community. Currently, the Almerinda Malaquias Foundation (FAM) is working on a project to improve the infrastructure of 25 schools in Novo Airão.

Actor Rodrigo Santoro visiting the school of a riverside community in the Amazon (Reproduction/Social Networks @rodrigosantoro)

Contact with nature

During the days he was in the Amazon region, Rodrigo Santoro, his family and friends lived in direct contact with nature and were able to enjoy river baths, sunsets, typical foods of the region and had contact with locals.

The Katerre Ecotourism Expedition also included lunch at Biatuwi, a social project of Restaurante Caxiri; dinner at Caxiri; lunch in Novo Airão, at Flutuante Flor do Luar; visit to Galeria Jirau, a collective selling handmade products in the annex of Flor do Luar; visit to FAM; visit to the Novo Airão Artisans Association (AANA); visit to the Gavião Viewpoint; visit to the community of Mirituba, Praia do Sono, Velho Airão; igarapé do Preto; and Samaúma trail.

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