Special | Management in focus – Culture of Entrepreneurship

Artisan proudly displays her products at the Municipal Market of Boa Vista (Photo: Katarine Almeida)

Gabriel Abreu – Cenarium Magazine

BOA VISTA (RR) – As commerce is the main economic activity of the capital of Roraima, the offer of services in Boa Vista is one of the strong points of the local economy. Therefore, there were major investments in the sector during the administration of former mayor Teresa Surita, when entrepreneurs and the culture of entrepreneurship were given special attention.

Under Teresa, Boa Vista won the new Municipal Market, the reconstruction of the food court of Ayrton Senna Complex, the construction of the Wakiri Shopping Center, the delivery of stalls and carts to street vendors, and even investments in startups that stimulated entrepreneurship and the generation of employment and income from the creation of companies that now provide digital services.


In Boa Vista, more than 320 new commercial points were delivered. All these investments brought new business opportunities for families. As mayor, Teresa also invested in the city’s traditional street markets, expanding commercial areas and encouraging, especially during the pandemic, hundreds of merchants with discounts on taxes and fees.

On the eve of finishing her fifth term, the former mayor Teresa Surita delivered the Moisés Lima da Silva (Picote) Food Court, located in the Ayrton Senna Complex. The entire structure of the old square was expanded and modernized, and now has 80 spaces for merchants. In addition to providing comfort and leisure to the people of Boa Vista, this was another investment that guaranteed jobs and income in the capital and encouraged the strengthening of the economy.

Municipal Market

One of the spaces delivered during the last term of the former mayor was the new Municipal Market of Boa Vista. Completely rebuilt, the space has become larger and contributes to the generation of jobs and income, with an eye on entrepreneurship.

The market’s modern structure provides spaces for selling food, services, and crafts, among others. Those who enjoy a good regional breakfast also have many options.

“Boa Vista received a new concept of market, with a proposal to be a reference of what is our identity, besides being one of the public buildings with solar panels that generate clean energy for traders and users. All of this represents a dream come true, a great contribution to our city and to everyone who lives here or will come to know it”, highlighted the former mayor.

Wakîri Shopping Center

The Wakîri Shopping Center is a space that boosts, even more, the development of commerce in the city, right in the central area of Boa Vista. It was designed and built to serve families that used to sell products and provide services in different areas of the city, without any security or appropriate location.

With the investments, 110 families from Boa Vista were directly benefited with the opportunity to have a safe and comfortable place to guarantee their livelihood, generate jobs, and income.

“This was a very important social work, as well as others, because we took many people off the streets, working without any conditions. This is one of the many Boa Vista projects that happened because I had, during my administration, a partnership with former senator Romero Jucá, who brought resources from Brasília,” recalled former mayor Teresa Surita.

The technology and innovation sector was also highlighted during Teresa Surita’s administration (Photo: Promotion)

Science and Technology

The development of the technology and innovation area is also highlighted, through concepts that guarantee modernity to Boa Vista. Events took place at the Center for Science, Technology and Innovation (CCTI) where entrepreneurs participating in the Talent Program had the opportunity to present their start-ups to investors.

The Talent Program was created to foster the emergence of new Information Technology companies, by selecting talented young professionals, with the aim of obtaining investments for their businesses to grow. The professionals who work in the development of technological solutions see the Talent Program as an opportunity for professional growth.

More than 300 kiosks in squares, market, terminal and shopping center have been built or renovated since 2013 in Boa Vista (Photo: Promotion)

Entrepreneurship in public spaces

About 1,600 people work in kiosks in Boa Vista. More than 300 kiosks in squares, markets, terminals and shopping centers have been built or renovated since 2013. Amid the crisis the country is experiencing, with high unemployment rates, it is increasingly difficult to enter the job market. Therefore, one of the alternatives of the municipal management was the construction of kiosks in public spaces, favoring entrepreneurship. The management has guaranteed for this branch an opportunity to generate employment and income for many families.


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