Trans visibility: meet the names of the ‘T’ community that use the internet to promote plurality and respect

January 30, 2023
CENARIUM MAGAZINE brings you three of the countless names that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, information, and the promotion of respect for plurality (Reproduction/Internet)
CENARIUM MAGAZINE brings you three of the countless names that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, information, and the promotion of respect for plurality (Reproduction/Internet)

Priscilla Peixoto – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – On January 29 the National Trans Visibility Day is celebrated. The community that suffers the most violence among the LGBTQIA+ population in Brazil reserves this day to emphasize existence, resistance, the fight for rights and remembers the year 2004, when a group of activists from the “T” community expressed the incentive for respect among people of different genders.

The fight for the recognition of rights, space, inclusion, and against the violence suffered in society is daily, being a subject that integrates the list of approaches of trans activists and influencers who use the Internet as a tool to fight against invisibility. CENARIUM MAGAZINE brings three of the countless names that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, information, and promotion of respect for plurality.

Giovanna Heliodoro (@transpreta)

Historian and communicator Giovanna Heliodoro, popularly known as Transpreta, uses the internet to share data, educational videos, reading tips, and information that helps combat prejudice not only against the ‘T’ community, but the entire LGBTQIA+ population, as well as addressing the issue of racism. All in a didactic way and with a pinch of good humor.

Dandara Maria (@afrotransfeminista)

Writer Dandara Maria also addresses the topic of gender and sexuality. Presenting herself on social media as a black, trans, and lesbian woman, the Afrotransfeminista shares posts and writings about race and the importance of building a black transfeminism. Dandara reinforces the need for the recognition and value of trans voices to be heard and to occupy the most varied spaces in society.

Gabriela Augusto (gabriela.aug)

Founder of Transcendemos, a consulting company that promotes diversity and inclusion in organizations, Gabriela Augusto is graduated in Law and author of the book “Empresa de Respeito Manual”. Gabi uses the platforms to talk about inclusion, plurality, and to promote awareness about the need to integrate trans people in the labor market.

Current data

According to data published last January 27 by the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (Antra), through the Dossier Murders and Violence against Brazilian Transvestites and Transsexuals, in 2022, at least 151 trans people were killed, in Brazil, with 131 cases of murder and 20 trans people committed suicide.

“In absolute numbers, Pernambuco was the state that killed the trans population the most, in 2022, with 13 murders, leaving the fifth position to assume the first place; followed by São Paulo, which fell from the first to the second position and Ceará, which moved from fourth to third, in 2022, with 11 cases each. Minas Gerais kept the nine cases of the previous year and Rio de Janeiro, which had 12 murders in 2021, closed 2022 with eight. Amazonas had eight cases and Bahia seven. Paraná, Pará and Espírito Santo had six murders each; Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Sergipe, with five cases each. Followed by Alagoas, Paraíba and Maranhão, with four murders each and Rio Grande do Norte, with three. We also had two cases in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and the Federal District. One murder in Rondônia, Piauí and Roraima,” states an excerpt from the dossier.

The report also points out that, for the second consecutive year, in Tocantins, no cases were reported. In the states of Acre and Amapá, there were no records either, and according to the dossier, São Paulo, Ceará and Rio de Janeiro remain as the states that have always occupied positions among the five states that most murders trans people in Brazil.

Read the full report:

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