Univaja says that disappearance in the Amazon is a reflection of the omission and inoperability of the federal government; ‘genocide’

June 14, 2022
Univaja points out that Funai has not contributed, in a positive way, to the agenda (Reproduction/Promotion)
Univaja points out that Funai has not contributed, in a positive way, to the agenda (Reproduction/Promotion)

Priscilla Peixoto – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Union of Vale do Javari Indigenous Peoples (Univaja) disseminated a note on Monday, 13, which points to the disappearance of indigenist Bruno Pereira and journalist Dom Phillips as a reflection of omission and inoperability of the federal government classified by the association as “genocidal”.

The three-page document also recalls another case that occurred almost three years before that also resulted in the death of a servant of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). “The disappearance of Bruno and Dom, as well as the murder of the Funai server, Maxciel Pereira dos Santos, in 2019, are reflections of the inoperability of the Brazilian State and its genocidal practices. To this day, we await answers about the inquiry into Maxciel’s death. The omission of the Bolsonaro government has affected, directly, our lives”, highlights an excerpt from the note.

According to Univaja, the population that inhabits the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land lives in the midst of tension, fear and insecurity because of invaders, miners and loggers. “We live insecurely in our villages. The invaders plunder our food, our fish, our hunts, our minerals to extract profit”.

The Indigenous Peoples Union also expresses solidarity with the families of Bruno and Dom. “Today, we are here feeling the absence of our consultant, partner and friend Bruno Pereira, who has been missing since Sunday, June 5, 2022. With him was the British journalist Dominic Phillips, who came to Atalaia do Norte to follow an activity of our surveillance team (…) we understand that they were here for us, away from their families. They are our partners. They came to help us monitor our land”, states Univaja.

Denunciation and Reinforcement

In a note, the association recalls that between 2020 and 2022 several letters were sent to different public bodies, such as the National Indian Foundation in Brasilia and its local bodies (Regional Coordination and Vale do Javari Ethno-Environmental Protection Front), the Federal Public Ministry, the Federal Police and the State Department of the Amazonas Government.

The documents, among other things, denounced the invasions of indigenous lands, deforestation, harassment, installation of an irregular power transmission line in the Mawetek Indigenous Land (where there are isolated peoples) and the presence of drug traffickers who harass the Kanamari and Mayoruna. Univaja points out the need for constant action by the armed forces and police, in Atalaia do Norte, and points out that Funai has not contributed, in a positive way, to the agenda.

“Funai Brasilia has not been our partner, it has attacked us through lying notes published in the media. It is FUNAI that has been omissive, in our region, in the face of this problem. The Javari Valley is our land and we are the ones who know how to walk in the region. We need territorial monitoring and inspection to protect our lives and the lives of the isolated peoples. We want the authorities to look at what is happening in Vale do Javari and take action against the growing number of invaders. We want our territory to be protected, today and in the future, for our children and grandchildren”, highlights the note.


In contrast, Funai also released a statement on Monday, 13, in which it denies the statements made by Univaja. In the publication, the National Indian Foundation has worked intensively in the search for the missing in the region of Vale do Javari (AM), in the Amazon and has carried out permanent and continuous actions of monitoring, surveillance and territorial vigilance in the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land, together with environmental agencies and competent public security.

“With regard to the actions of FUNAI in Vale do Javari, it should be noted that the institution has invested almost R$ 10 million in actions in the last three years, which represents an increase of 104% compared to the previous period, when R$ 4.8 million were spent. Among the measures, there are enforcement actions and restraint of illegal activities, such as illegal logging, mining activity and predatory hunting and fishing”, points out Funai.

The note attributes the current reality of the region to political and indigenous mistakes made by previous administrations. “It is worth remembering that Vale do Javari suffers from a series of chronic problems, the result of decades of failure of the Brazilian indigenous policy, which in previous governments was guided by hidden interests, lack of transparency and strong presence of non-governmental organizations. Unfortunately, today we live with the terrible legacy of the badly managed problems of the past”, evaluates the note.

Clarification note on the actions of Funai in Vale do Javari (Reproduction/Fundação Nacional do Índio)

See Univaja’s note in full.

See Funai’s document in its entirety.

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