Vivalá Agency proposes a new experience to give new meaning to the practice of tourism in Brazil

December 01, 2022
The group expeditions follow itineraries of 5 to 8 days, almost always on holidays and extensions of holidays (Reproduction)
The group expeditions follow itineraries of 5 to 8 days, almost always on holidays and extensions of holidays (Reproduction)

Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – To propose a re-reading and re-signifying the practice of tourism in Brazil. This is the idea behind the expeditions of Vivalá – Sustainable Tourism in Brazil. The company, which is based in São Paulo, sells travel packages that go far beyond the conventional tourism practiced in Brazil. On its offer list you can find Community Based Tourism (CBT), voluntourism and adventure CBT.

According to Daniel Cabrera, co-founder and executive director of the tourism agency, the idea is to give another direction to something that can be much more than a market practice. “When you practise sustainable tourism, as in a Vivalá Expedition, you resignify your relationship with Brazil and the traditional communities and go far beyond that standard itinerary of a conventional tourist”, Cabrera highlighted.

Accompany and be part of the practices and customs of the people of the jungle is one of the options proposed by Vivalá – Sustainable Tourism in Brazil (Reproduction/Amazonastur)

For the executive, the currency of exchange can go far beyond travel, flashes, selfies and superficial itineraries. In fact, the slogan is at the heart of the tourism market: “get to know other cultures”. And since the idea is to meet and exchange experiences, the company bets on the literal meaning of the phrase, so Daniel Cabrera celebrates the initiative: “These are trips where everybody wins: the traveller, the community and the planet”, he said.

The coexistence of riverside communities with the world around them is also part of the itinerary of Vivalá’s expeditions (Ricardo Oliveira/Cenarium Magazine)


Expeditions follow a pattern, Daniel described. “The group expeditions follow itineraries of five to eight days, almost always in public holidays and holiday extensions, with groups of around 15 to 20 people. They are experiences within Brazilian Conservation Units (UC), through community-based tourism with local populations”, he explained.

For those who don’t like travelling in groups or even have restrictions with a larger number of companions, the agency has developed packages in a more “pocket” style. It is a proposal that fits in time and space. “We also have expeditions, with flexible dates, for you to travel when and with whom you want: alone, as a couple, with friends or family”, he detailed.

Among the Amazon itineraries are: “Amazônia Rio Negro – Manaus – AM”, “Amazônia Rio Tapajós – Santarém – PA“, “Amazônia Aldeia Shanenawá – Rio Branco – AC”. Other destinations are the “Lençóis Maranhenses – São Luís – MA, “Chapada dos Veadeiros – Brasília – DF”, “Chapada Diamantina – Salvador – BA”, “Sertão Veredas – Brasília – DF” and “Geoparque Seridó – Natal – RN”.


The routes are divided into three proposals: Community Based Tourism – CBT which, according to Daniel Cabrera, “is a total immersion in traditional Brazilian communities, where you will stay, have your meals and live with indigenous people, riverside dwellers, quilombolas, country people and many other people, besides participating in a series of attractions to better understand their culture and way of life, such as workshops, local cuisine, conversation circles, among many others”, he said.

In the Amazon, riverside communities maintain their connection with nature, even near large urban centres (Ricardo Oliveira/CENARIUM MAGAZINE)

The other proposal is “voluntourism”. In this format, the expedition unites two forms of tourism offered by the agency. “In this experience, you will combine CBT with volunteer work, in one of the different areas in which the company operates, with the communities, such as health, education, environment and bioeconomy. In some cases, there are specific training requirements, but we always have options for those willing to help!”, pointed out Daniel Cabrera.

The third proposal fits like a glove for those who enjoy something more dense, with a greater charge of adrenaline. “The Adventure BCT is the best option for those who want to combine BCT with physical activity, with many adventure attractions close to the nature of the Conservation Units where we operate, such as trekking, for example“, concluded Daniel Cabrera.

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