Voting on the temporal mark is postponed to September 1st

August 26, 2021
Indigenous people leave Três Poderes Square after new suspension of the Temporal Mark trial (Cassandra Castro/Cenarium)
Indigenous people leave Três Poderes Square after new suspension of the Temporal Mark trial (Cassandra Castro/Cenarium)

Cassandra Castro – from Cenarium

BRASILIA (DF) – It was not this time that the indigenous people were able to see the end of the question of the temporal mark, a legal thesis that, in the view of leaders and supporters of the Brazilian and international indigenous movement, represents a serious threat to the right to land, the most precious asset for native people. The trial was suspended for the second time this week, and the matter will be discussed again on September 1st.

The Fight for Life camp in Brasilia, since last Sunday, 22, brings together approximately six thousand indigenous people and more than 170 ethnic groups, who went to the Federal Capital to draw the attention of society as a whole and of the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary powers to the causes that affect these communities, especially the temporal mark trial.

Adonir Guarani-Kaiowá hopes that the temporal mark will not pass the STF judgment (Cassandra Castro/Cenarium)

Adonir, a Guarani-Kaiowá indigenous person, lives in a village in the city of Eldorado, Mato Grosso do Sul. Like other indigenous people, he was frustrated with the suspension, for the second time, of the trial of the matter by the ministers of the Federal Supreme Court. Even without a definitive answer from the judiciary, the indigenous man hopes that everything will work out.

“They [the ministers of the STF] have to look at our side, our salvation is the land itself, having the land makes our family, our mother, our grandmother happy. The fight will continue”, stated Adonir. For the adjunct secretary of the Indigenous Missionary Council, Cleber Buzatto, although the postponement was not the ideal scenario, the decision of the magistrates is an advance in the matter.

“It is important to recognize and value the fact that the trial has begun and the commitment of the president himself, of the Supreme Court, that the trial will continue next week. This is also a result of the strong mobilization of the indigenous people. The decision process is complex, but we consider it a tactical victory of great importance”, Cleber stressed.

According to the schedule posted on the website of the Articulation of Indigenous People of Brazil (Apib), this Friday, 27, there will be two plenary sessions. In the morning, one that will deal with the Alliance for Life, a pact with social movements, indigenous organizations and allies of the indigenous cause and, in the afternoon, the Life is Fight plenary, with the reading of the camp’s final document. On Saturday 28th, the delegations will return to their places of origin.

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