“We have to fight terrorism,” says minister Alexandre de Moraes at the inauguration of the director-general of the Federal Police, in Brasilia

January 13, 2023
STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes (Reproduction)
STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes (Reproduction)

Alita Falcão – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Two days after the attack against the Three Powers, in Brasilia (DF), Andrei Rodrigues took office on Tuesday, 10, as director general of the Federal Police (PF). Participating in the ceremony, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, one of the central figures in the fight against antidemocratic acts all over the country, said that it is necessary to fight terrorism.

Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF, condemns antidemocratic acts in Brasília (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)

“We have to firmly fight terrorism. We have to firmly fight anti-democratic people, people who want to put down a coup, people who want the regime of exception. You cannot talk to these people in a civilized way. They are not civilized. Just look at what they did in the Palácio do Planalto, in the National Congress and with much more anger and hatred in the Federal Supreme Court”, he highlighted.

The minister also said that all those involved in the antidemocratic acts will be punished and that the institutions will be strengthened. “The institutions will punish all those responsible. All of them! Those who carried out the acts, those who planned the acts, those who financed the acts, and those who encouraged them by action or omission”, he declared.

New General Director of the Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues (Reuters/Amanda Perobelli)

In his speech, the new director general of the PF, Andrei Augusto Passos Rodrigues, praised STF minister Alexandre de Moraes. “The STF and TSE, with a watchful eye and firm action, played an essential role in the history of the country, acting energetically and at the height of the risks involved.”

Andrei was nominated by the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, in December last year. He is 52 years old, was born in Pelotas/RS and takes office after working in several strategic units of the institution and the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety (MJSP).

“Those who committed crimes or omitted when they should have acted will be held accountable. The Federal Police, within the limits of its responsibilities, will not tolerate attacks on democracy,” Andrei stressed during his investiture.

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