With contract R$ 3 million, ferry used for emergency crossing on BR-319 is submerged

January 18, 2023
Car passes with difficulty through submerged ferry on BR-319 (Reproduction)
Car passes with difficulty through submerged ferry on BR-319 (Reproduction)

Ívina Garcia – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – With heavy rains in recent days, the emergency ferry placed at kilometer 10 of BR-319, which connects Manaus (AM) to Porto Velho (RO), after the collapse of the bridge Rio Curuçá, is submerged, hindering traffic in the region.

The improvised work, carried out by the company Amazônia Navegações, aims to ensure the continuity of traffic while the bridge is being rebuilt. Both works are the responsibility of the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (Dnit).

Vehicles need to cross the flooded stretch of the ferry placed on the Curuçá River, BR-319 (Reproduction)

Worth R$ 3,569,925.36, the Amazônia Navegações company is responsible for both the construction work of the bridge on the Curuçá River and for the ferryboat placed on the site to cross trucks and vehicles. The contract with the company lasts until March 2024.

The president of the Amigos da BR-319 Association, Mr. André Marsílio, pointed out that the work being done on BR-319 is disrespectful. “We pay to see this immorality with public money”, he declared.

The report team contacted the Dnit about the state of the bridge and asked if other actions will be taken to replace the ferry. According to a note, teams are monitoring the situation to ensure traffic flow and safety of users.

The agency replied that “the ferry is not submerged and is in operation” and that with the rain recorded on Tuesday, 17, “the river rose 60cm and caused the level to reach part of the access to the ferry”.

Two bridges collapsed on BR-319 less than ten days apart (Eric Cezne/Promotion)

Understanding the case

Two bridges at kilometers 23 and 25 on stretch of BR-319, located in the city of Careiro da Várzea, collapsed between September and October 2022, less than ten days apart. The Dnit is still investigating the cause of the accident that killed four people and left 14 others injured.

See the video published on Wednesday, 18, by a driver who was passing by the site:


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