Without Amom, Manaus mayoral election poll places Cidade in second

January 02, 2024
O deputado federal Amom Mandel (Cidadania) e o deputado estadual Roberto Cidade (União Brasil) (Edição: Mateus Moura/Revista Cenarium Amazônia)
O deputado federal Amom Mandel (Cidadania) e o deputado estadual Roberto Cidade (União Brasil) (Edição: Mateus Moura/Revista Cenarium Amazônia)

Adrisa De Góes – From Cenarium Amazon Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – With federal lawmaker Amom Mandel (Cidadania-AM) out of the running for mayor of Manaus in the 2024 municipal elections, state lawmaker Roberto Cidade (União Brasil-AM) has moved into second place in the preferences of the manauara electorate. This is what the fifth poll released by Perspectiva Mercado e Opinião on Sunday 31st showed.

The president of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Amazonas (Aleam) appears as the choice of 13.8% of those interviewed in the stimulated poll, a type of opinion poll in which the names of the candidates are presented. The current mayor of the capital of Amazonas, David Almeida (Avante), remains the voters’ favorite, with 36.3% of voting intentions.

Since Amom Mandel, who was in second place in the polls, announced that he would not be running for the municipal executive last Friday, the 29th, Cidade has risen 5% compared to the previous poll, released on the same day. At that time, the president of Aleam had 8.8% of the vote.

Stimulated poll for Manaus City Hall – 2024 ELECTIONS (Mateus Moura/CENARIUM)

Mandel’s departure from the list of possible candidates for Mayor of Manaus has also had an impact on David Almeida’s poll numbers. After the congressman’s announcement, the current mayor rose from 30.3% to 36.3% in the ranking, a difference of 6% between the last two surveys carried out by Perspectiva.

Other names

Federal lawmaker Capitão Alberto Neto (PL-AM) moved up to third place in the ranking of pre-candidates for the municipal executive. In the fourth poll, the congressman had 7.9% and was in fourth place. In the poll released this Sunday, he appeared with 13.0% of the voting intentions, technically tied with Cidade with a difference of 0.8 percentage points.

Ranking from the fifth stimulated survey by Perspectiva Mercado e Opinião (Reproduction/Perspectiva)
Federal lawmaker Amom Mandel (Press Office)


Mayor David Almeida and state lawmaker Roberto Cidade are tipped to receive the support of the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (União Brasil), for next year’s elections. For the time being, the head of the state executive has avoided declaring his preference and has said that he will express his opinion “at the right time”.

In an interview with BandNews Difusora radio on December 21, Wilson Lima stressed the partnership between the branches of government. “I’m not a candidate, I’m not running for election, and we’ll discuss this at the right time. I have a partnership with Manaus City Hall and this partnership is maintained (…) I have a good relationship with David”, said Wilson Lima.

See the full poll:

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Read more: Plínio Valério says Amom Mandel must ‘officially’ give up running for mayor of Manaus

Edited by Marcela Leiros
Reviewed by Gustavo Gilona
Translated by Bruno Sena

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