After impugnation, Union of Civil Police of Amazonas chooses new command

December 20, 2022
Sinpol Headquarters in Manaus (Reproduction)
Sinpol Headquarters in Manaus (Reproduction)

Ívina Garcia – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The investigator of the Civil Police (PC) Daniel Lima was elected the new president of the Union of Civil Police of Amazonas (Sinpol-AM), after the previous election, held on November 30, was annulled.

The new election was held on Monday, 19, at the headquarters of the General Civil Police of Amazonas, located at Avenida Pedro Teixeira, Dom Pedro neighborhood, Midwest zone of Manaus. The plate of the former president of the union, Jaime Lopes, It was challenged for having participants in categories that are not part of Sinpol.

Daniel Lima and his vice, Léo Punk (Reproduction)

Daniel Lima and the elected vice-president, Léo Punk, campaigned with the motto of transparency and renewal. The new president is known for his activism and even denounced the administration of the now former president, after discovering that the union had pledged cars, blocked accounts and a debt of R$ 1.3 million with Unimed.

“We need to choose people who know how to walk the paths of conversion of ideas, with political articulation and using well-designed strategies, seeking solutions to our demands“, said Daniel in a publication before the elections

Read more: Sinpol has accounts blocked and cars seized for health plan debt

As shown in the CENARIUM MAGAZINE, the union members were not warned about the debt and there was no public call for deliberative assembly. “It is a very worrying situation, it is an exorbitant amount”, reported Daniel, who states that Sinpol has not granted access to the process. “This process is already in the execution phase, so these R$ 1.3 million need to be paid.”

Daniel also reported that Unimed appealed in higher courts and the association’s debt may reach R$ 2,7 million and if they are not paid, the charges may lead to pledge the union headquarters, located in the neighborhood Petrópolis, South zone of Manaus.

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