AM Elections: new Iveritas poll shows a 17.9% difference between Lima and Braga in the second round

October 18, 2022
Wilson Lima appears, again, in the lead of the second round of elections for the state government, with 17.9% ahead of his opponent Eduardo Braga (Art:Mateus Moura)
Wilson Lima appears, again, in the lead of the second round of elections for the state government, with 17.9% ahead of his opponent Eduardo Braga (Art:Mateus Moura)

Marcela Leiros – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (União Brasil), appears, again, in the lead in the second round of elections for the state government, with 17.9% ahead of his opponent, Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB), according to electoral research Institute Iveritas released on Tuesday, 18. The president has 58.95% of the valid votes, and Braga has 41.05%.

This is the fourth survey that shows the lead of Wilson Lima in the dispute in the second round. On Monday, 17, a new Real Time Big Data survey also showed that Wilson Lima maintains the lead, with 58% of the valid votes. The result had already been pointed out by two other research institutes confirming that Wilson maintains a large advantage ahead of Senator Eduardo Braga.

See below the percentage:

Difference in valid votes between Wilson Lima and Eduardo Braga, in Amazonas (Reproduction/ Iveritas Institute)

The Iveritas Institute survey was conducted from October 6 to 10, in Manaus and ten other municipalities in the interior of the state (Iranduba, Manacapuru, Presidente Figueiredo, Rio Preto da Eva, Itacoatiara, Maués, Parintins, Autazes, Coari, and Tefé). A total of 2,912 voters were interviewed in person.

The estimated confidence level is 95% and the maximum margin of error, based on a simple random sample (SSA), is about 2.5 percentage points more or less than the sample totals.

The countryside

In the Amazonas countryside, the estimulated survey – the one in which the interviewee is given a choice – shows that Wilson Lima also leads with 58.36% and Eduardo Braga has 41.64%. Only in the state capital, the governor has 59.47% of the preference of voters, against 40.53% of the senator.

Dispute for the government in the countryside of Amazonas (Reproduction/ Instituto Iveritas)


Besides the Real Time Big Data survey, released on Monday, and held on 14 and 15 October, two other surveys were released in this round: from Pontual Pesquisas and one from O Convergente.

According to the Pontual Pesquisas survey, released on Friday, October 14, Wilson Lima has 58% of the valid votes against 42% for Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB), an advantage of 16 percentage points.

Research of O Convergente, released on the last day 11, also evaluated the scenario for the second round of elections in Amazonas. In it, the governor had 58.1% of the valid votes. His opponent Eduardo Braga had 41.9% of the vote intention.

Check out the survey in full:

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