Isabella Rabelo – From Cenarium
MANAUS (AM) – With the aim of boosting the region’s artistic scene and culture, the startup Muvieplay is the first platform focused on independent audiovisual production in the Amazon. The streaming service has in its catalog films, documentaries, shows, music videos, games, among other works produced by artists from the states of the Legal Amazon.
The company was founded in mid-2021, in the midst of the pandemic, with a focus on promoting local music from the city of Manaus (AM). After also including cinema, the project became an Amazonian streaming service with a diversity of audiovisual productions.
“We were impacted by the deplorable state faced by many Manaus music artists in the midst of social distancing policies. After that, we felt the pain of the local market and saw that Amazonian cinema had even greater distribution needs. We embraced Cinema and thus became an Amazonian streaming service in the making”, said one of the startup’s founders, Raquel Omena.
In 2023, Muvieplay occupied the official streaming category of four Amazonian festivals, the Olhar do Norte film event, which takes place in Manaus, the Curta Bragança event in Pará, the Osmane event, which originated in Bahia, and the Fecani music festival, which was born in Itacoatiara, a municipality in the interior of Amazonas located 176 kilometers from Manaus.
The co-founder explained that, for the artist, the service offers various opportunities and becomes a showcase, where the producer can exhibit their work to a significant audience, as well as achieving monetization through the ads displayed on the platform.
“Muvieplay has great potential for positive impact, both in the dissemination of productions and in their reach. Our intention is to register, disseminate, produce data on our productions and the market and exalt our artists, creating a strong current of Amazonian appreciation and creating new local celebrities,” said Raquel.
Currently, the platform’s catalog has more than 300 pieces of content, including films, music videos, concerts and documentaries, which can be accessed and enjoyed by the public free of charge.
Victor Kaleb, artistic director of the Olhar do Norte film festival, told CENARIUM that the partnership with streaming was extremely positive for the works on show, as it was a tool that leveraged the reach of the event’s content.
“The festival’s intention is to publicize the art of the Amazon, especially the art of cinema, and with the platform this has expanded a lot. Many of the views of the festival’s films were due to this. I think we need more initiatives of this kind, for sure”, said the director.
Victor also pointed out a series of factors that, according to him, make it difficult for Amazonian works to occupy the space, such as the film distribution model in Brazil and the way cinemas work, which are currently dominated by Hollywood works.
“Access to these platforms makes it easier to find these films that would be almost impossible to see elsewhere. Films that talk about, for example, an Amazonian reality that is seen in a very romanticized way, a way for tourists. It’s not that tourists are bad, it’s just that they see what they want to see of us, not what we are”, she reflected.
Read more: ‘Castanho’: get to know a fictional movie produced by an actor, screenwriter and director from Amazonas