Covid’s CPI: Commission will investigate the use of chloroquine in Amazon’s indigenous villages

April 29, 2021
International journalists followed the interministerial mission through indigenous lands that would have taken chloroquine to village (Reproduction / O Globo)
International journalists followed the interministerial mission through indigenous lands that would have taken chloroquine to village (Reproduction / O Globo)

With information from O Globo

In Brazil, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI), which investigates the Brazilian government’s management concerning Covid-19, will receive from indigenous representatives a list of at least 15 topics to be debated. The objective is to investigate the federal government’s actions and possible omissions during health crises in indigenous villages. Among denunciations is an orientation from the Health Ministry for the use of ivermectin and chloroquine in Indians from Amazonas who show Covid’s symptoms.

The treatment called ‘Kit Covid’ is questioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and scientists because there is no proof of the drugs’ effectiveness against coronavirus.

A letter obtained by GLOBO confirms the indication of “Kit Covid” made by the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health (Sesai), linked to the Health Ministry. He will be sent to CPI as proof so that the collegiate body can take action on what the Indians refer to as “abandonment and neglect” by the federal government combating the virus among these peoples.

Ofício obtido pelo GLOBO Foto: Editoria de arte
Letter obtained by GLOBO (Reproduction / O Globo)

In the document distributed by Special District Indigenous Sanitary (DSEI) of Rodônia’s state to the National Indian Foundation (Funai) and other indigenous entities, the medications’ recommendation is clear for “everyone who presents symptoms such as body pain, cough, headache, fever, runny nose, difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of smell or taste.”

GLOBO made contact with DSEI Vilhena coordinator , who signs the Sesai document, Solange Pereira Vieira Tavares, but she did not return messages or calls. Sesai and the Health Ministry also did not comment.

Meeting with senators

Profissionais de saúde atendem população da aldeia Campo Alegre, nos arredores de Tabatinga (AM) Foto: Jorge William / Agência O Globo
Health professionals serve population of the Campo Alegre village, near Tabatinga (AM) (Jorge William / Agência O Globo)

The indigenous representatives will use the virtual meeting with senators this Friday, 29, to present their demands. Representing the CPI will be Humberto Costa (PT-PE), who is also chairman of the Human Rights Commission.

The indigenous people will be represented by congresswoman Joênia Wapichana (Rede-RR), coordinator of Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; activist Maial Paiakan and lawyers Luiz Eloy Terena and Samara Pataxó.

We are taken to the senators our concern about the high mortality rate of indigenous people, especially in an urban context. Besides to denunciations that prospectors pressed Indians to exchange vaccines for gold, all of this in a situation of low vaccination coverage and view of the worsening of invasions of indigenous lands during the pandemic”, adds Joênia.

The indigenous people will also submit a report to the CPI on the Armed Forces’ missions in more remote areas. According to the document, some were useful and strengthened actions to combat Covid-19, but others were considered a “theater” and ended up taking more risk than humanitarian aid.

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