Crime or madness: Bolsonaro continues ‘dispatching’ on the internet as president

Crime or madness: Bolsonaro continues ‘dispatching’ on the internet as president

Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Past four days of the inauguration of the chief executive-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), the social networks of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) continue presenting the politician as Brazilian head of state. On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, Bolsonaro performs ‘dispatches’, in posts, as if he were still president. CENARIUM MAGAZINE spoke with experts about the posture of the former madam.

In the reading of the political scientist Mr. Paulo Queiroz, the contradictory posture of the captain is in “delay with the reality of the Country”. “In truth, I think that this posture, of a former president defeated at the polls, behaving as if he were still head of state, is nothing more than a kind of ‘mental conformity’, that is, the real representation of his fragmented psychological reality”, stated Queiroz.

On Facebook, Bolsonaro informs about draft laws, measures and administrative actions and even invites for more details on the Telegram network (Reproduction/Social Networks)

For Mr. Queiroz, Bolsonaro takes advantage of the situation and the behaviour of supporters. “He has manifest deviation of conduct, problems of conscience and incongruence of reality – and there is overwhelming evidence of this – he takes advantage, still, of the wave (already almost dead) of lunatic allies who persist in tumultuous democratic processes. We cannot be perplexed by this, because ‘traumatized’ individuals (and he is) could not express behavior other than this”, he evaluated.

Users of the social network Twitter posted hundreds of messages ‘advising’ the former president to take a shock and accept reality (Reproduction/Social networks)

The scientist highlights that despite the “delirium”, Bolsonaro will have to face reality. “He will soon find the crucial moment of “confrontation with concrete reality” and will change his stance drastically, especially when he sees that his last protesters, who have already lost almost all their “animus”, have definitively withdrawn from the so-called “campus insaniam”, that is, the “poles of madness”, which are the camps. It won’t take much longer for the word “bolsonarism” to be part of the little relevant dictionary of the past”, predicted Mr. Paulo Queiroz.

Social scientist and anthropologist Mrs. Socorro Batalha believes this is a strategy to keep himself in the spotlight. “Jair Bolsonaro does it on purpose, because it may be a strategy to maintain the latent “bolsosilly “. It is noticeable on the streets, still, a lot of cars adhered with the image and name of Bolsonaro,” observed the scientist.

Among questions, ironies and jokes, network users take the opportunity to send a message to the former president, who is in the USA (Reproduction/Social networks)

For Socorro, the strategy, which focuses on keeping Jair Bolsonaro’s name active, does not produce the results that the former president expects, the anthropologist believes. She cites the presidential sash as an example. “In the non-passing of the sash, he ended up being unfortunate, because with this he produced one of the most beautiful images of Lula’s inauguration. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received the sash from the hands of the people, it was very representative, sensitive and moving”, she concluded.

In his Instagram bio, Bolsonaro still introduces himself as president of Brazil (Reproduction/Instagram)